
Would you date me??

by  |  earlier

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  1. no. but thats coz im a girl. haha if waat u wanted to no was if u wer pretty then i wud say YES. deffinatly

  2. OK, when?

  3. No.

    I am a girl

  4. You have a beautiful, friendly smile but I'm a girl, but I think a guy would date you =)

  5. No I want ur MONEY!!!!!!=D

  6. i htink u will find a special man only day know u are very pretty

  7. maybe...your descent...

  8. Maybe

  9. try eharmoney or something.

  10. your alright

  11. um, no offense, but playing the bass and fiddle is a bit strange and nerdy. your very pretty tho, and the smiling thing is good.

  12. If you weren't so darn young and I weren't married, h**l ya!!!  I would date you and then some.  LOL!!

    You have a very beautiful smile and your picture yells "I love life!!!"

    Keep up the spirit.

    Have fun

  13. yea you sound really nice and you are very pretty plus you play the bass..whooo! go the bass =D

  14. nah im g*y

    u are cute though
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