
Would you date someone.....?

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I was wondering if you would date a person with kids....

I am a single mother of 2 wonderful kids. I have been single for 8 months now. My ex wants me back which I don't want him back. And the other day he told me that I wouldn't find another man because I have kids already and that the only man for me is him.

And I was wondering if you would date a women with kids already...

This is for girls or boys....




  1. No, I wouldn't date a woman with kids.

  2. I don't think having kids will interupt relationships with other men. If they really love you - they will not worry about your background but who you are inside. I think that having kids is great - when you get with a man - you don't have to have kids straight away to feel like a family. You will already have a family. Also, you won't get stressed about having to take care of your children alone (not saying you do!) but will have a companion to help. I think being a family requiers children - not saying it has to - but I think you do more social things together. I hope this has helped. And by the way, don't listen to your ex - he is trying to make you feel depressed when your not with him. Your fine (right?) so just ignore him.

    Who did you have kids with? You sound like a great Mum!



  3. Yes, but it depends on the situation.

  4. im sure someone would date you knowing that you have children

    no im positive

    your ex is just mad i guess cuz he wants you but you dont want him

    so hes saying stuff like that to make you feel like you wont get anyone else and hes your only choice which is really wrong

    me personally i wouldnt date a guy with kids but then again im only 17

    im gonna guess that your in your twenties or thirties so of course your situation is gonna be different than mine

    but like i said before

    im positive you will find someone who accepts you and your children and if you come across a guy who doesnt, he dont deserve you and you should just move on

    if all else fails and you cant find anybody at least you will still have your children to love and that should make you very happy

    but love comes when you least expect it

    keep that in mind

    hope i helped at least a lil bit

  5. yer id date a girl wif kids

  6. Well, depending on how old you are and how old your kids are.. a teenage guy/any guy really, isn't going to want to take care of kids who aren't his own. go to the grocery store and pick up some guys :]

  7. Yea why not ?

    There just as much of a person as anybody with out kids

  8. I love to be your friend if you do not consider my age.

    I am 60 years young man, widower, lonely, so on and so forth.

    I am praying to that unseen God to favour a friend in these agonizing days of mine.

  9. don't listen to him there are plenty of  men out there  that don't care if you have kids  your ex is just being a jerk and wants you to take him back

    so go ahead shop around and find yourself someone that deserves you

       and your wonderful children      


  10. He wants you so other guys will want you. It is sad that he told you that.

  11. I was divorced  and had 3 kids and had not trouble finding dates or remarrying

  12. no, i would never date a woman with kids. why would i want to deal with kids that aren't mine? your ex has a point.

  13. Wow.

    your ex is a jerk to say that.

    If my current boyfriend had kids, that wouldn't stop me from loving him the way I do. If someone truly likes you, then they'll embrace you and your kids! Don't worry, you will find someone that loves you!


  14. As long as I liked the person and their kids I wouldn't care too much.

  15. well...considering i'm 18 with no job and about to head to

    but i'm sure you are a beautiful person.

  16. If shes hot...then yea, I'd love to bang a MILF

  17. yeah i ould ......if she accept a single devorced man  

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