
Would you eat this?

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just asw an article on Yahoo that exposed the calories in many popular restaurants food. Well the most shocking was T.G.I.Fs Potato Skins which where a whopping 2,270 calories. Most people are supposed to eat 2,000 throught the day, not just an appetizer. Other appetizers and even salads hit over the 1,000 mark. Would you still eat them knowing how many calories they have?




  1. Again, a bit deceptive, as usual for Yahoo. The whole plate of skins is 2,300 calories, not one potato skin.  These are intended to share with a group, not eat as a meal. And if you order them without sour cream, the calories plummet.

    What I find odder is people going to starbucks and ordering a frappachino that comes in at 800 calories. h**l, a big mac has fewer calories.

    Just watch what you eat, and watch the portion size.

  2. once in awhile(but only if was something i liked, some people eat that stuff themselves and dont even care for it) plus im not gonna sit there and eat a whole dish of potato skins, maybe 1 or 2

  3. HECK NO! Thats nuts, that article was really informative. They should have warning lables on the menus!!!

  4. I've been reading about this stuff for years and no, I cannot in good conscience eat this stuff.  I LOVE TGIFriday's potato skins but haven't had them in years.  When I learn the nutritional information on something that I like is awful, it doesn't really appeal to me much anymore.  I only see grease and fat when I look at it.  Of course, if I haven't seen the data on something that I know is probably unhealthy, I can still eat it, just in moderation.  I guess ignorance really is bliss.

  5. DEFINATLY NOT!!!!!!



  6. lol..I guess if you are young you can eat whatever you want. I am 19 and I eat a lottt of food but i am still skinny. So yeah who cares..I would eat that and by the way those things are delicious.

  7. yess but is tht number for all of them or just one?

  8. I try not to think about it. The food doesn't taste as good if you know the calorie count. as long as you don't do it regularly, just enjoy.

  9. You mean to tell me that you had NO IDEA that there were gonna be that many calores in that dish? Let' see,,,, FRIED potatoes, cheese sauce, bacon. Uh   yeah  DUH. Don't feign ignorance people, use common sense. BTW Who orders appetizers? Fat asses who can't fill-up on the entree.

  10. yep.. i have a great, high metabolism rate.. im lucky =)

  11. ugh no i have seriously been watching my calories!

  12. Maybe
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