
Would you ever go missing?

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If you were going through an ultimate time of miserableness and h**l in your life, would you ever consider dissapearing, or going missing off into anonomy (sp?) ?

whether yes or no, please say why.




  1. Yes, I recently chaned my legal name to...

    Anonymous Miscellaneous!

  2. No, I tried it once and didn`t care for it.  Even less in Spain.

  3. No.  I am married and the mother of 3 children and I would never  subject my family to that.  There have been times when I needed to take some time away from my family and my job, but I always let my family know what was going on and where I was.

    But, I do understand how a person could do that. Sometimes you get so overwhelmed you just don't know what else to do.

  4. In 4 years, 7 months and change I plan to disappear. Having worked for the same place for 26 years. I plan to sell everything I own. I will have 10 years before retiring at full rate of compensation and I want to use the remaining years to things I want to do.

  5. yes I have thought about doing just that a number of times in mylife. I have heard about people who have actualy done it. but lets face it one can't run away from ones problems and hide sounds nice but you still would be haunted by the past, so in  reality you would never really get peace. The only people who could really pull this off are the ones that have been inflicted with amnesia. If you were walking down the street and had no ID on you, suddenly and totally lost all memory, It would be like you were born again. You could start your life a new an make into what ever your heart desired with no past bagage!

  6. yes hear lately I have had that thought a lot!

  7. This is something I've thought about from time to time.  However, I would not want to be responsible for the distress it would cause my family so I just keep going along.

  8. Many people find themselves in situations where others around them are unhelpful and contribute to their serious problems - whether that means drugs  or crime or just bad relationships.  Leaving seems like a good idea, yet few do this.

    The question is - will leaving help ?  If your best friends and closest relatives all died and your house burned down, you might be miserable but leaving wouldn't help much.

  9. No, because I wouldn't want my husband, child, parents, etc to wonder and worry about me.  Why have people grieve over you when you are really not gone?

  10. No because I have kids. If I didn't have kids then yes I would.

  11. NO, because identity is one thing that helps me to decide what to do in life.

  12. I ran away last December.

    Some people say it was immature, but in the end, I wouldnt change that I did it.

    It was a wake-up call to everyone around me that things weren't working.  Not just for myself, but things weren't working for anyone around me, either.

    You have responsibilities, yes, you have things you need to do for yourself, also. Maybe just take a day to yourself, go on a vacation. But deal with the feelings and don't just shut them out. It gets worse.

    Maybe this helps. Hope it does..

  13. I did it. It was totally liberating. I was raised in an abusive houshold, and married an alcoholic. No one could see my pain; they kept telling me to go back home. Instead, one day I started to go to work and drove right by it and never looked back. I called home a few times, but nothing seemed any different. I stayed out of the way for 15 years. Everyone knows where I am now, but nothing's really different, so I still  limit my contact.

  14. Yes...but only if I had money to eat and pay for a place to stay. Otherwise I would be trading one miserable life for another with just a change of scenery to show for it.

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