
Would you give money?

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My dad's friend moved to Los Angeles to live with my dad. My mom pays all of my dad's bills through me. Meaning she lives in a different state and I take care of all the finances in this state for her.

Well he is unable to find a job. And we are paying for all of his stuff. He has no money. He has done some chores and helped out some.

But now he is unhappy here and wants to go back to his girlfriend who will not let him live with her. He keeps asking for a plane ticket and $500-$800 to go back with.

Which I think is beyond ridiculous. I told him to ask his girlfriend who is sooooo in love with him or his parents, relatives. He said when he goes back to his girlfriend she cannot take him in. He cannot get in touch with family either to ask for money to leave.

I met this guy one time in my life before he moved in with my dad.

Anyway I have to run all errands for them, buy their groceries, cigarettes, beer, etc. All living expenses and necessities.

Now this guy is asking to do some work for money. I am like I am already paying for your shelter, food, etc. what more do you want.

What do you all think?

I know it sounds NUTS!




  1. If I were you, I'd just leave them alone. And I can be a mean person that I only buy things for my dad but not for his friend, because I don't see if there's any reason I should buy anything for that guy whom I don't even know in my life time. This is ridiculous to me also. And I suggest you to stick with your life and just leave them alone. My thought is that I've grown up and I know that I need to respect my family that's why I need to pay everything for them, but I'd not do anything for a stranger.

    And just talk to your mom. You've done enough to take care of him. If he asks for more, ignore him. You have really done enough things for him, really.

  2. Just say no!!!

  3. is he willing to pay it back and when. if he is willing to pay it back and you feel he is trust worthy and in time he would pay it back, it may be ok to lend him some even if not the entire amount. he can then ask other friends as well.

    why doesn't he find a job?
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