
Would you go??

by  |  earlier

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would you go back to work if your boss keeps acting like this-

why are you here? told you your check would be in july 8 now the date changed all the way to the july 22-what would you do?




  1. If you need the job then of course I would, but there are a few things you could do on your own that could help you get your paycheck in the main time.  I don't know how big of a company it is you work for but if he is the highest then it stops there, if not, then go higher.  If he is the only one then file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or the Chamber of Commerce.  But before you go to these places you should sit down in private and politely and professionally ask him why the pay date was moved and explain that you need your money to live.  If his answer seems fake, then go to the places I told you.

    Peace & Love :)

  2. yes i would still work.

    Glad to help!!!!



  3. There are laws regarding paychecks. He can't change dates on a whim when you are to get paid.

    My husband had this happen to him at a couple of jobs. The owners were taking the payroll and using it for vacations and other stuff.

    You need to get out of there and find a new job. Keep written records of the hours you work, down to the minute. Dates, times. Write down everything the guy tells you regarding your paycheck. You must be PRECISE. These notes will be EVIDENCE if this has to go to court.

    Edit:  My father owned a business. I remember a couple of times he couldn't pay his employees because of some business problems. But he TOLD them in advance and asked them to keep working if they could. When he was able a few weeks later, he paid them even though he couldn't pay himself.

    What your boss is doing is UNETHICAL.

  4. I'm trying to figure out what is going on.  If your boss keeps putting the date back that he will pay you, I'd keep going in to pick up that check on the day he says.  He probably has no money and can't pay.

    If you worked for him a long time and feel this is only temporary, you can continue working but accept the fact that the business might close and you won't be paid for that time, either.

    Write down all the attempts you made to get that check  and what happened when you asked because you will need a log when you take him to small claims court.  Judge Judy wants documentation.

    People do odd things when their business is in trouble.  They don't recognize the inevitable and try to go on even if it means buying goods they can't pay for or keeping on employees.  No one wants to fail.
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