
Would you have saved this turtle?

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or would you run him over?

I was driving with my dad today, and making it's way across the road was a turtle. it was on the opposite side we were on, and a car was coming towards it so my dad flashed his high beams to tell her to stop. well, i was going to get out and move the turtle, BUT the lady (who was acting as though she was going to stop, because she had her mouth open and was smiling at the turtle) proceeded to speed up... and run it over. and she was happy about it?!!?!? i thought "what an effing ******!!!"

so, would you have saved the turtle, or would you have killed it :(




  1. It would depend on the circumstance.  If it was an easy traffic day or enough room to slide over or around it without causing harm I would do so.  But, in a heavy traffic or limited mobility I would run over any animal rather than risk a human life.

  2. I live in eastern PA where all summer is turtle season. I ALWAYS save them when they're crossing the road, unless it's a busy highway and I can't pull over safely. It's important to always carry the turtle to the side of the road it was trying to get to; if you take it to the side of the road it came from, it will just try to cross again!

    I can't believe someone would run over a turtle on purpose. Good for you and your dad for trying to save it! I just think, what goes around comes around, and that woman will definitely be on the receiving end of some bad karma.  

  3. I'd do away with a person before animal. People who enjoy killing are sick, especially when it's a defenseless creature who was robbed of her natural environment by us spreading like a virus.  

  4. i would love to but i won't because i might be afraid that the old coot would run me over

  5. The other day while driving down a busy highway, and I saw this little gray squirrel romping around in the grassy median.  It looked like it was trying to decide whether to cross or not cross.  

    Little dude was on the threshold of crossing the median.  I'm saying to myself, "Don't cross, don't cross, please don't cross!"  So I honked my horn and it ran back in the median and stayed.  Of all the animals to accidentally run over, I managed some how to run over a bird.  Birds sometimes have a tendency to fly low and right in the path of your car.  This one bird flew underneath my car and I heard this bump, bump, bump.  I felt bad for the entire day after that. :(    

  6. oh my god the *****!

    sick woman.

    I would never run ANYTHING over.

    that is so cruel.

    poor turtle


  7. I would have saved it... i have two turtles in my room. they are really fun to play with..

  8. I would NOT! That was plain cruel!!! U sound like a person who completely love the environment and one of those ppl too! I would have flipped her off and swore at her thou..Lol. Lets just say ppl out there isn't nice..See u weren't nice but the mean lady deserved it ;D!

  9. yes of course turtles are cute and gentle  the person is evil and this might make you happy did you know that if you kill a turtle you get 10 years straight of bad luck

    that is so sad=(

  10. Well, really, you don't know it was about the turtle, do you?  Perhaps she was freaked out about someone flahing her and trying to get her to stop.

    I might be.  And I'm a male old f**t.

  11. ew what a stupid *****. its one thing if you don't see it and it can't be helped. but it sounds as tho she clearly knew it was there. thats horrible. and i totally would have saved the little dude. turtles rule.

  12. what a cruel woman,i definitely would of saved the turtle

  13. The woman is a nut. I'm sorry you saw that. And I'm sorry for the turtle.  

  14. I would have stopped.

    Karma ensures that eventually, that lady will be in the turtle's situation, so rest assured.  

  15. saved the gentle little beast.

    she will get hers. dont you worry.

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