
Would you invest in green technology?

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We propose starting community solar programs that allow residents to buy solar panels when they purchase a new home. The technology would allow people to reduce harmful emissions and eliminate their utility costs. The program also allows people to purchase larger pannels that could generate extra income and contribute to the purchase of their home. Give me suggestions to improve this idea and if you would be interested.




  1. I would only invest in solar stocks for a trade.

    As for private investment in solar, I think this is done. Anyone can go out an put panels on their house. It is very expensive still, and I don't see this as a banner investment opportunity.

  2. Solar energy is not yet economically feasible. The up front costs a and life span of the solar panels just doesn't cut it even at today's heightened energy costs. If you want a "green" energy source, I suggest nuclear. No green house gases. Nearly unlimited power. Best to sell mini-reactors.

  3. I've heard this idea before and I like it:

    Solar panels are a big up front cost.  But what if you could have a lender pay for it up front, and then the homeowner be billed monthly, and pitch it as them paying for solar power rather then the utility bill.  After X years, they'll have no more utility bills and free power after that.

    The key is to try and make the monthly loan payment roughly equal to what a normal electric bill would be.

  4. This is 30 years old. It didn't work then and wouldn't now. Not that its a bad idea, but the pay back isn't worth it. The sharks selling and installing the system will quote you savings. The fact is if your the first buyer you will never get your money back. All real estate is local, to the neighborhood, just because you have solar panels doesn't make your house worth more.

  5. The solar panel industry is based upon tax credits right now that may be discontinued. Contact you Senators and Congressman.

    Why don't you invest your dollars with current providers of solar energy?

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