
Would you like to visit Spain?

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  1. I just went there in April.  Its a great country to visit and I am interested in studying abroad there in college.  So far it has been the best trip of my life, but I'm only 17. After going there and Puerto Rico I now own at Spanish.  Highest grade on the final in my school!

  2. i have done baby blue but unforunately it was a nasty experience,both my children and  i got sickon our last holiday there,but i loved spain,the sun was shining.x.

  3. love 2

  4. Yes

  5. I would quite like to visit Spain some day....possibly not at this time of year, though....I am not too keen on the great heat....and of course, when people here talk about Spain, they talk about "sunny Spain".

    The only other problem I might have with Spain is the language....I think I only know about 2 words of Spanish....and I think I learned them from watching Fawlty Towers! lol

  6. I would love too babe!!!

  7. Yes, I would love to.

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