
Would you report it if...

by  |  earlier

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Let's say someone stole your Yahoo Answers account, but consistently gave Best Answers significantly upping your statistics, would you report them and why?




  1. Well Duh...

    Don't we want to gather points for a feeling that WE contributed?

    If someone else did it for me, it's valueless to me because I didn't earn it.

    It's not like I can go out and trade the points for a car or something.

    If I couldn't report it, I would just make another account and start over...

  2. Yes, because I see it as identity theft and I've worked very hard this past year getting to Level 7. Currently, I have 1001 Best Answers. I've established a reputation here of speaking my mind and trying not to hurt other peoples feelings.

    Yes, I would report them in a heart beat, because they stepped on the Terms of Services and didn't follow Community Guidelines.

  3. yes because its my account and i wouldnt want to put my security at risk

  4. Of course I would report it. If they doing that well, then they should get their own account and establish their own name on Yahoo Answers.

    First I am not on here solely for the points, best answers, and statistics. I enjoy the process of asking and answering questions and the answers that I give, I do so with full consideration and trying to help the other person and if I get a best answer "I" wish to receive that credit (not points) to know I helped someone.

  5. Yeah that would p**s me off!  I don't want someone knowing my password, I used it for everything lol.  Bad, I know.

  6. ...thief is a crime, a crime worth reporting because it happened to me...

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