
Wrapped Up In Chains?? Advice Please???

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My boyfriend of 2 years has always been controlling of me from the start. He hates me talking to other people, and doesnt like me having friends. He has always set out rules of who i am allowed to tlk to and who im not, iv become so frightened to talk to anyone i just tend not to, so i lost all my friends and dont have anyone.

Tonight, an old mate of mine said hi on the internet, my boyfriend was behind me so cud see everything that was being said which wasnt flirtatious or anything, he as just asking how i was. My boyfriend went mad because me and this guy used to like eachother years ago but he has a gf now. My boyfriend after said that i shud:

"Admit you're wrong and don't do it again - a sorry might be nice

And then we can get back to life"

Suddenly im feeling reli angry and like iv had enuff, what does everyone else think??




  1. y r u still with him?  he sounds like a jerk.  he has no right to control u.  if i were u i wouldve dumped him long ago.

  2. i think that you should talk to him...tell him what your thinking and that you don't like it. if he doesn't do anything about it talk to him again but maybe in a more like almost threatening way....(don't threaten to kill him). personally if i had a bf like that i would dump him.

  3. Dump the shitbag. If he becomes violent, report him to the authorities.

  4. ok no one can tell you what to do.  not even us, but that is no way to live.  Everyone needs someone to talk to in their lives.  First of all dont let him control you.  you are your own person and you have thoughts and feelings of your own, don't let him repress them.  Second of all stand up for yourself, no one has the right to make you feel like you don't matter and like you are nothing.  talking might work, tell him how you feel.  but most likely he wont care and he will think you are over reacting.  im not going to tell you to leave him cause thats your choice and until your ready to do ao then i would just be wasting my time.  do what is best for you and if you don't think you can do it alone call one of those friends taht you don't have and ask for help?

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