
Writing Overload? (serious answers only please)?

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I love to write. Used to spend my high school lunch hour with 10 minutes of eating and then the rest was filling the pages of my math notebook with little scenes here and there. So, after many a restless night of ideas buzzing thru my head, i decided to bring out my laptop and try writing an actual story. But after opening microsoft word, I just...froze. Its like after all that time of my ideas fighting for which would be the first to be on paper, all them were silent. Like I had gotten writers block even before I had begun...

Has this ever happened to any of you guys?

How do you get over it?

How do you write?




  1. Take a break from the writing, seriously. I am a writer too and I found myself in the very same position. You've probably burned yourself out with writing.

    My best advice is to have a few different hobbies so when you find yourself void of any ideas for writing, you can do something else so you don't overload yourself and/or burn yourself out.

    I sing (which was my first hobby, actually), write, do photography, and I dabble in graphic design. Having several different hobbies keeps me from getting overloaded or bored with just one.

    Eventually I did start writing again, and what worked best was non-fiction. I started writing about my own life experiences. Sometimes this doesn't work though, especially if one hasn't had a very tumultuous life. If you've seen a lot and had some more traumatic experiences, then non-fiction can really work some wonders.

    Trust me, your ability to write will come back. Just try not to force it, or it will take even longer.

    Good luck! :)

  2. You just need to start writing!  My high school teacher taught me to "freewrite".  Basically, just start writing from your stream of consciousness for a page or two.  Then, review and see which themes emerge.  You'll find a topic.  And it might even turn into a good lead for a story.  Best of luck!

  3. All the time.

    You have your notes, you have your

    start typing. Doesn't matter what..just start.

    That's why you 'edit.'

    Really, I am smiling at the memories of how many times that has happened and the easiest way out is just to start writing. Thank God for computers and word processing because I used to waste a whole lot of paper..

  4. the EXACT same thing happens to me all the time. im more of a movie writer, i too love to just grab paper and write. sometimes i wake up at 4 just to jot down notes. i dont even use lined paper, i use a sketch pad. then when im sitting on the computer, and i dont kno how to start. this is wat i did, i went back to my ideas and organized them. who are your characters? wat happens first? wat happens next? then little by little you include the ideas you have written down. remember ORGANIZING.

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