So, I just got my REAL FICO credit report (previously was using a FAKO report) and noticed wrong information. There is a 90 days past due account from Von Maur on there and it is not my account. My mother and I dealt with this about a year ago. She had an overdue Von Maur account but I was listed as a person who could use it besides herself. We noticed that this past due account (her acutal account) showed up on MY FAKO report and got it deleted so that it would no longer hurt my credit. Then, I did not know that FAKO reports weren't the real thing. Well, now I have seen the real thing and my credit score is a horrible 594!! I pay everything on time and all but this has killed my score. This is clearly not my problem and my mother and I thought we fixed it before. What do I need to do to get this corrected and to never have this be a problem again?? How do I dispute? Thanks!