
Wrong name on traffic ticket?

by  |  earlier

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I just found that my last name is spelled wrong on the ticket and the court trial last name is ***hy but they wrote down as ***ity

My friend insists that I need to talk to the court and ask for dismissal...since technically, it isn't me....

Can I get away with this ticket (hoping..)?




  1. You are going to have to go to court.  It's your license number on the ticket and when they pull that number it will be you who is called on the carpet.

    You can ask the judge for a dismissal based on the misspelling, but I wouldn't count on any sympathy there.  The judge will ask you if it truly was you who was stopped by the officer and you will have to answer yes or lie.  I wouldn't lie to a judge.

    Sorry, you're going to have to come up with something better than a name misspelling to get out of your ticket.  Maybe the officer won't show up for the hearing.  

  2. No.  I tried that once and it didn't work.  Its considered to be a simple clerical error.  Police are allowed to make mistakes like that.

  3. The best thing to do is go to your ticket bureau and go to see the judge or arbitration.  I once received a ticket with one of my license plate number missing.  The receptionist ask was that my license plate number.  I stated no, she said the best thing she could do was lower the fee or I could see the judge.  I agreed to see the judge.  Before I saw the judge the ticket agent ask me how did I plea and if the information was correct.  I disagreed and they threw the case out.  I say to you "nothing beats a try but a failure", so take this opportunity to state your case and let's hope you succeed.

    Best wishes!

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