
Wrongfully deposited check?

by  |  earlier

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I had some money deposited into my account that I am unaware of. What happens if I do not say anything or worse? use it?




  1. The bank will eventually find out what happened, because the person who's account it should have gone into will be missing it  You will have to pay it back, whether you've spent it or not.  Besides, since you know it's not your money, it would be stealing to take it.

    Tell the bank and be done with it.

  2. Its not yours to use ... that is still theft .... especially since you are aware of it ....

    The bank will require you to pay it back when they realize it was mistakenly put into your account ....

  3. If you're gonna be a thief, make sure you can retire from it. Return the money and have a good nights sleep.

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