
XC in Sept!?!?!?10 Points Best Answer!?

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i want to join.i run a 5k in about 23 minutes and i have been working out a lot.

i run 5 times a week.i run 5 miles 4 times a week and 1 speed workout. would this improve me for XC!??

would i be fast enough to join?

im 16 years old 5'7 155 lbs.




  1. What ever you do, do not start running 70+ miles a week, there is no faster way to burn yourself out than ten mile days.  If you want to improve your 5k time, you need to get a schedule with more varied workouts.  GO nice and slow for 7 or 8 miles on Monday then 5 the next, maybe a speed workout on Wednesday 4 miles on Thursday then some type of hills work on Friday, add miles if you can and run on Saturday but as a recovery run.  Get someone to run with you and make you push it.  

    I'm no professional but I'm an upcoming junior who runs around 17:30.  Enjoy the sport for what it is.

  2. There are two keys to successful running lies in more running....if you are really serious...2 a-day workouts will get you there...flexibiity...strong Achilles...strong calf muscles...are key...for strength...hill running...don't worry about speed work at this time...the truly elite high school runners log 70 to 100 miles per week...the second key to successful running is make sure you enjoy doing it...doing a workout at 5AM and another workout after school takes dedication and better like to run....good luck

  3. Right now you need to build up a base so skip the speed workout for a few months.  Just run distance 5-6 days a week and when you get close to your first race start doing speed workouts.

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