
XP or Vista for gaming PC?

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I am going ot build myself a new gaming PC but should I go with Vista Ultimate 64bit of XP 64 bit?

I'll put in 4GB Ram - is it enough?




  1. xp its hardware you use anyway choosing xp or vista wont matter

  2. Im using Vista ultimate 64 bit version, and 4 GB of RAM.. its almost a year now since I build my gaming PC and I havent encounter any problem... I would suggest buy a good motherboard, quadcore processor, GPU with atleast 512 mb of memory and a PSU with enough power to run your RIG..  Good luck, happy gaming..

  3. Hey Henry I personally feel that XP is best not in games but in lot of features about vista if you install a game it requires lot of requirements compared to XP as it also takes some for itself vista is jst for its coll apperance so you should go for the XP and only XP..

  4. I would say XP. Vista is video RAM intensive.

  5. I like XP more.. but I'd say "Vista". people like "Vista"..

    I would say Mac, so I could play.. LOL..

    mine please;...

  6. 4GB should be plenty for todays gameing i would go with Vista because from what i herd microsoft will soon stop updates for XP and games will be made only for Vista which is allready happening eg. Crisis

  7. Xp has got better me

  8. I'll tell you the difference.Video card-Nvidia GeForce GTX 280-with same computer.

    fps with Vista 59

    fps with XP    92    so you tall me what is better.

  9. for future proofing go with Vista 64 bit  (ultimate or home premium). Microsoft will stop supporting XP by 2014

  10. XP not running any games eats much lessier RAM than Vista, so I say, if you need performance you should run XP.

    But if you want better video (DirectX 10), you should use Vista.

    It's your decisioun.

    4 GB RAM is enough... for now...

  11. It depends on what kind of games you want to play.  The latest games require DirectX 10 which can only be found on Vista.  Most programs are 32 bits, even the games.  To get everything working in 64 bit, you need 64 bit drivers.  If you use 64 bit, whatever is made for 32 bit really is just in 32 mode anyways so you have something you can't really use.  This also applies to RAM.  32 bit uses up to 3gigs of ram, where 64 bit uses 8 gigs.  If you get 4 gigs of memory, the 32 bit programs won't use that extra gig of memory.

  12. lolz here we go. Vista has MANY MANY problems with online gaming. there are many compatibility problems but online games are still playeable but with many glitches. Vista has very good graphics and will continue to be upgraded, XP is very trustworthy most online games are compatible fully. If you are into online games get XP if you play offline get VISTA. 4gb ram is more then enuf

  13. xp 64 is faster than vista 64, and both are much faster than their 32 bit counterparts.  but understand 2 things.

    1) vista is the future so vista will give u a longer life span than buying xp now.

    2) very little over the counter software is compaible with either xp 64 or vista 64.  i use both versions of the 64, and im telling u, first hand, other than for microsft sofware no over the counter softwawere works on either version of 64, not even printers unless u want to spend over a grand for a printer.  XP 64 and vista 64 r primarily for propietary software written specifically for a 64 bit operating system such as large data bases and engineering programs.  because vista has pushed current hardware to its limit software is starting to be wriiten specifically for it, but will be at least another year before it will be worth buying a computer with vista 64.  I have it because im a computer consulant and i have several compures in my home in a domain network, but otherwise i wouldnt use either version of 64.

    you are better off getting vista home premium 32 bit with quad core processor, 4 gigs of ram and a good video card.  but buy a computer that will accept more than  4 gis of ram so in future when vista 64 becaomes practicle you can upgrade to vista 64 and upgrade ram.

    ps: gregory_dittman only vista basic 64 is artifically limited to 8 gigs of ram the other vista 64's and xp 64 goes to a maximum of either 128 or 256 gigs of ram i forgot which.  any 64 bit operating system does not will not and never will run 32 bit software or driveres,  the reverse isnt true though, xp 32 bit and vista 32 will run 64 bit software.  so u cant just buy vista 64 and say u will run it in 32 bit mode, it will not work, if you are doing that then u dont have vista 64 u have vista 32

  14. i recommend vista. i'm not too happy with 64-bit support so i use 32-bit but vista 64-bit is much more solid than xp x64. plus vista has dx10 support.

  15. If it's for games DEFIANTLY go for XP...

    My bro has vista (64-bit, 3 GB) and still give a bit of lag (just for runing vista... also vista will not surpport some games...

  16. Vista Ultimate is ftw! 4gb of ram is good.

  17. XP with 4Gb should fly.

  18. Try Windows Vista! It supports Direct X10 and new games.

    Good luck!

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