
Xbox 360 - bizzarre question...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm the second owner of my now broken Xbox 360 -- BUT I have the ORIGIONAL Walmart reciept for when the previous owner bought it.

It's like 4 years old now though lol, they wouldn't take it back and exchange it would they? I mean I know some stores have insane return policies but I don't think Walmart would- what do you think?

Or would Microsoft accept that I have original purchase information since I'm second owner and fix my RROD-ed XBox for free?




  1. XBOX said it was gonna be 99.99 dollars to fix my RROD

  2. Since you have original purchase information, It is safer to just send it to microsoft. And also check your warranty card, maybe it still has some time on it, if it does Don't do anything stupid and just hand it over to microsoft. They'll do it for free and you know that it will be in safe hands.

    Hope i helped.

  3. For Wal-Mart, they will not take it back in anyway. But Microsoft is a different story.

    If it is the true RROD (which is three red lights and no light where the controller 2 indicator light is and you still have a green light on your power block WITHOUT a hard drive plugged in), and you have the original purchase receipt and it has been under three years since the date of purchase, Microsoft will repair it for free. The only thing that will possibly hinder that is if the original owner actually registered it. Then they might not. I would call 1-800-4MYXBOX. But the free repair/replacement for a RROD is three years. When you call Microsoft, they will have you run a test to verify what I listed above to make sure it is a RROD. They should tell you to send the console only, to keep your hard drive and cables. I got the RROD about two weeks ago. It took about a week and a half to get my 360 back from the date I called it in. I made sure I sent it out the next day. I wouldn't mention that you are the second owner. Just tell them that you never registered it, but that you have the original purchase receipt.

  4. The answer, in short, is NO...  at least for the Walmart dealy.  They only take back problems within the first 60-90 days, and this is way past that little bracket of time.

    As for Microsoft, it's a possibility...  but I can't be certain.  If it's 2 and a half years, they'll look it over and see what the problem is, but if can't prove what has been done to it, they can easily point out things that had been done wrong (like dropping the machine and such) and they'll do anything they can to get out of fixing your system for free.

    As for the RROD, I do have a question...  do you have an intercooler?  If so, take the thing off, keep the system in a cool place, plug it in, and try it again.  As much as people laud the intercooler, it wastes a lot of power that could be used to keep your system running correctly...  anyway, that's all I got for you.

    Walmart = No.

    Microsoft = Possibly

    Just remember, if you send it to Microsoft, you won't be able to get it back for AT LEAST two months...  and do NOT give them your hard drive.  They'll erase it, or keep it and not send it back.  Happened many times to my friends...

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