
Xbox 360???!!??!!??!!?

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should i buy the xbox 360 pro or elite,and also which one has a less percentange of of failure and why?




  1. The different versions of XBOX have the same hardware now. Microsoft corrected its cooling system problem way back when. I have an Elite that's pushing a year old and it's never given me a bit of fuss.

    If you plan to have a lot of data on the hard drive (I do, I use mine as a media center.), shoot for an Elite. It comes with the 160 gig standard. If you're only planning on playing games, you might consider a cheaper version. You can always upgrade the hard disk later if the need arises.

  2. I can't answer the failure part, but I recommend the elite because it has a lot of memory so you can download more material.  I own one and I'm very satisfied with it.

  3. its called the PS3 it has a less percentage rate of failure its like 1 in every 5000 PS3s it happends to xbox360 is like 78787878 in every 34983948348948343 xbox360 that gets the red rings so think about it

  4. elite because i have one and my bro has a pro and his has got the ring of death and hes had his longer

  5. they both are basically the same ..... ever heard or ring of fire? search it ...  i know that they boh come with extra stuff and thats basically what you wana go off of. failure is the same rate  

  6. I recommend buying the 360 pro, unless you plan on downloading movies and such onto your console. But I would think the Elite has a less failure rate because it is more newer than the 360 pro. But to help reduce the risk of the 3 Red Lights, (Not the Ring of Fire as that is a volcanic chain in the Pacific Ocean -.-) have your xbox in a well ventilated area. This means that, if you can, place it on it's side, increases ventilation, and make sure if it's in a shelf there is no backing to it so the hot air won't stay inside the console, the fans inside it will try to push it out but will not succeed if not ventilated. Hope this helps on your quest to a new Xbox 360! If you don't feel like paying for all the new games you're going to buy go check out for free consoles, accessories, games, and much more!

  7. the failure rate should be the same. keep it on its side, not standing up because if it falls it could break and youd have to get a new one. the difference is elite comes with wireless controllers with rechargeable battery packs and a bigger hard drive. i have a pro and im fine with it

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