
Xbox Live Connection Help

by  |  earlier

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I can't connect to Xbox live and eacch time I test the connection it says "IP adress failed" I'm using a laptop to connect if it helps at all.

How do I get it to work?




  1. you have to bridge the the connection to do this select both wireless connection and wired right click on one of them and there is a option call bridge connections do that and it should work

  2. I HAD THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM First you need 3 ethernet cables

    find a ethernet port i only have 1 in my house this is what is connected to my ethernet port

    this is the router that carries everything like ip and dns

    and that thing is connected to this via ethernet

    then connect the 3rd ethernet to the XBOX and find test XBOX LIVE  connection 4 360 and 4 regular xbox just take the game out and find xbox live

  3. are you using a modem or a router because some isps make you pay more to release the ip a router should work fine though

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