
Y are some girls s***s?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The same reason, some guys are s***s.  

    Seriously, attention.  Or lack there of.  Most girls reach out to guys, when they are lacking a positive role model at home.

    I think there is a double standard when it comes to this issue. A guy can sleep with 5 girls, and he gets high-fives from his buddies.  A girl can sleep with 1, and she's considered a s**t.

  2. Because life is gooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Because they're insecure with themselves.

    It makes them feel better when they get attention, even if it's just sexual.

  4. Most likely they were deprived of the kind of attention and affection they needed from their parents and seek it out in men.  The s*x seems a low price to pay to feel accepted and loved.  When they don't feel their own needs being met, it's on to the next. :(  

    At least that's my theory.

  5. what else would we STUDS do?

  6. it's an easy way to get people to llike them


  7. It's a cultural bias.

    What's a s**t? A girls who sleeps with lots of guys.

    Rephrase the questions: Why do some girls sleep with lots of guys?

    Swap the genders... Why do some guys sleep with lots of girls?

    I'm probably not supposed to answer questions with questions, but in this case it puts things into perspective.

  8. They are seeking "the bliss of the eternal moment" through one of the most basic means known to the species?  Perhaps those you consider s***s are actually tantric Priestesses in training?  Could be  :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Nothing like a unique perspective i always say  !!!

  9. Some girls like s*x, some even become addicted to it, but most girls who dress and act S****y do it simply for attention.  They love guys to look at them, they want to feel desired, whether or not they actually put out doesn't matter, for awhile they are the centre of attention.

  10. becasue they want attention.

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