
YIKES!!!! HELP!!! :\?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i like this girl, but so does this other guy that im not great friends with.

well he said if i ever talk to her hes gonna get him and his "pose" of tree other guys on me. but the thing is i dont think the girl actually likes him that much ( and theres no possible way i can take these guys on, im 14 and im like 5'10'' but i weigh like 130-140? and they're ALOT bigger than any advice? should i kep talking to this girl? HELP!




  1. he can't stop you doing anything! he has no right at all! this is bullying, if you feel genuinely threatened, it is in fact counted as assault, therefore a criminal offense. talk to some teachers or even the police if he says anything else. but by all means keep talking to her.

  2. Snitch ur *** off ya and keep on talking to the girl  

  3. i would keep talking to her and

    if he threatens you again just tell

    a teacher...i know it sounds like being

    a snitch but you really shouldn't

    listen to him

  4. ok first of who care wat he says he'll probly not do it  and if he does just go see the girl like right after it happens and she'll feel srry for u and ask wat happened then u tell her that some one called her like a s***k or s**t so u backed her and he went and got his friends to jump u then she'll ask who did it and u tell her and that will be the end of ur problem

  5. well if u like her y shud keep talkin to her, y shud u b bullied out of talkin 2 a parent or teacher etc, get some advice and do what feels right to you.xx

  6. you and the other guy should both date her

  7. well they might not be serious, and if you really like her, then you should go for it, unless you thikn you are truly in danger, and if thats so, try talking to her online and let her know what is going on...


  8. try talking to her when those guys arent around. set up a day where you guys can go to the movies or something.or something fun to do like the park or something.

  9. yea, just do it where he cant see... and if you have an older friend or brother have them threten him like he is you...

    plz answer

  10. This guy is obviously afraid of a little competition from you. He knows this girl will like you instead, so he's trying to avoid you even having a chance. You need to explain to his girl that there's this other guy who likes her, and that you do too. Tell her your "not allowed" to talk to her. Dont be afriad of whatever these blackmailers have to say. And let her know this. Hope everything works out!!

  11. win the girl! lol. dont worry about it. if she likes you. . . she likes you. sucks to be him.  

  12. that guys a jerk!!

    call her or ask her when hes not around. He's probably jelous of you becasue he cant get a girl ;)

    dont let him bug you

  13. dude don't be afraid of those insecure dickheads, if he does that and you tell the girl what happens, its obivous she won't like him at anytime in the future.

  14. if you are not scared of getting beat up go ahead for it.

  15. alright im 14 too

    i love it more if the guy comes up to me

    if you really like her dont let him stand in your way

    if he beats you up for some weird reason..if the grl likes you shes admire that from you . that you still knew the consequences and still went for it. i would talk to her and see how she feels about you. you never know unless you try :] hope that helped

  16. Find out if she likes you.  If she does then keep talking to her and be prepared to fight back.  You may get beat up but it will make you tougher.  If she doesn't like you then go away.

  17. be the more mature person. Don't let him threaten you, but don't egg him on, either.  Stand your ground, but don't cross the line.

    Ask her out.  If the dude makes trouble and you don't retaliate..he'll be the one who gets suspended, and you'll come out looking great.

  18. Yeah, keep talking to her and tell her what this guy said.  She'll love the fact that you want to keep seeing her anyway, and she'll get rid of the other guy.  No woman will put up with a guy trying to control her!  

    Good luck, sweetie, you sound like a keeper :-)

  19. ahh, hang in there! That other guy will get the hint if she truely dont like him. He will eventually go shag fly balls on another field.

  20. yess dont let him tell you he cant shell see hes a jerk

  21. Of course talk to her, and let her know that this guy is a threat, especially since he's threatening to use violence on you. Can you imagine what he'd do to her as a couple?

    Talk to her, ask her out, don't let this guy bully you. However I would tell your school offical about the threat he made on you.
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