
Yahoo Microsoft?

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Do you think Yahoo shares will bottom out now that Microsoft rescinded there bid ?




  1. Yahoo shares might dip a couple of dollars, but it will rebound, as they have a lot going for them currently, especially with a 30% stake in a major Chinese Internet Company, that is very profitable.

    The couple of dollars per share they may loose come Monday will be from those investors that bought Yahoo shares strictly because of the Microsoft bid, thinking that if the deal went through for a higher amount, they would stand to make a profitable killing on their investment.

    Since the Microsoft bid went public three months ago, Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang has been very busy further promoting his company, openening up many new avenues that were not available previously to Yahoo.

    I currently own 500 shares of YHOO and when it does dip down a couple of dollars, I will buy another 250 shares, for a total of 750 shares and sit on it.

    I think Yahoo stock will start to climb in value, at least that is what I am banking on.

    Monday, May 5th will be a very interesting day for Yahoo!

  2. im not sure if they do anymore:/

  3. I don't think so

  4. lol.....thatmymp5 ID 1st annversary tomorrow. Zero Cents can back off Microsoft Corporation Vs Yahoo Inc. hahaha....
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