
Yahoo blocking answers?

by  |  earlier

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having tried on no less than four occasions to answer a question, it keeps coming up taking a breather. As dumb as they think I may be they're fooling nobody. In between my attempts to answer this one question I've answered others without a hitch. If they are imposing their own form of censorship upon us how are we to answer honestly without prejudice. No doubt I'll get another violation for speaking the truth, but I feel I'm owed an explanation.




  1. They are not censoring you, it happens all the time, many times before you even type your answer for preview. Relax. It is a system wide glitch. If you are unhappy, maybe you should find another venue.

  2. hey hun, yahoo are being 'strict' on punctuation, if you are answering with a lot of !!!!!!!!!!!??????????????............ u won't be able to get the answer up (this is an experiment) lol

    edit blows my theory then.. lol ... i read it on the suggestions board, seven had a lot of trouble ansering one of my questions, she re-edited it and it seemed to work?

    good luck x*x

    edit, well i dunno then, but good's not just you ;-) xx

  3. Ah it looks like the symbol bug has struck again... The same happened to me when trying to answer a question from dear chloe and after many frustrating attempts, she alerted me to the suggs board. Some symbols like the 'percentage' and 'and' are bugged so I had to remove them and hey presto! it worked. So check for for such 'unnecessary' additions to your answer and you might just strike lucky!

    It wasn't about dogs per chance? as some are a bit concerned about their capabilities and are trying to keep us off the 'scent'.:)

  4. I'm with you Bro, it is as irritating as the day is long.  At first I thought as you did, but tried something else and it worked.

    1.  Move you answer down to the bottom of the toolbar.

    2.  Open up Yahoo again.

    3.  Work on something else.

    4.  Check back on you profile and see if the question and your answer is there.  

    This has worked for me on two heavy breathers.

  5. they think they are smart, and can fool us.

  6. I am getting this a lot. - Even an error 999 - -which is an I.P. block.

    I do think this is a form of censorship - because some of the answers to my questions suddenldisappearar when a "top contributor" answers. They show up on the count - but not on the question.

    Usually over things a bit too close to the truth.

  7. No it's just Yahoo being Yahoo, I have had problems just trying to open messages.

  8. I have that happen quite often and what I have found works is that once it says "we are taking a breather" etc, I use my back button to go back to the answer and then click the submit button twice very always seems to work doing that.

  9. I bet the CIA is behind this!  or Bush!

  10. The same thing happens to me. I can have 2 tabs open on my explorer both on answers and one will work while the other doesn't. It really sucks! It always seems to be questions that I have something fantastic to answer. I also hate the d**n spell checker!  

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