
Yahoo is taking a breather...?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i try to answer a question

it says "yahoo is takin a breather..."

how long do i have wait to

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  1. A lot of people have been having problems since the updates a few days ago. It's possible you've reached your limit for the day. It's more likely a problem with special characters.

    For many people the problem is happening when they use a special character in an answer, especially '%'. The workaround seems to be to use an 'x' or something to post originally, then go back into 'edit' and change to the character you need. This approach has been working for me all day today.

  2. First I want you to close the yahoo window. Then go to outside for a walk outside for at least 24 hours because apparently you've been on the computer way to much. And I do not want you to die of obesity!  

  3. it takes hours sometimes.

    stupid yahoo >:

  4. lets look at it this way:  these people are under a great deal of mental stress and they deal with this stress by drinking hundreds of cups of coffee each shift which makes them wired.  Because of this stress, they tend to take several hundred 'breathers' per day, you wouldn't want hem to get really stressed out would you?

    Maybe the executives at yahoo ought to hire additional people to ease the heavy load these poor people are under, maybe they should also give them longer work breaks so they cn maintain their delicate health and mental wellbeing and be able to continue to do their jobs on the yahoo answers line, a very stressful and highly demanding place to work, wouldn't you agree?

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