
Yawning mystery?

by  |  earlier

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did u notice when u yawn few people around u begin to yawn,





  1. I've also noticed that a lot of people yawn around me. I must use up way too much oxygen.

    Or, I might venture to guess, that when someone is talking over someone else's head (so to speak), the brain that is trying to follow along calls out for "MORE AIR! MORE AIR! I CAN'T FOLLOW THIS EGGHEAD!"

    One yawn, perhaps, sends a cue to other minds that it's OK to yawn. So one yawn, in a subliminal way, gives "permission" for others to yawn.

  2. This is actually a mechanism for keeping your brain cooler.

    It's not fully known why yawns are contagious, but it may have evolved to keep groups of people alert enough to communicate and keep watch while others slept. If one person yawns and becomes more alert, then others yawn too, and the alert level of the group is raised. Then, all are more efficient.

    There has been a lot of information in the last year that suggests that our brains are sharper and function better when cool.

    The studies below share some good insight into this yawning ritual, and reasons behind it.

  3. Good question. We yawn because our bodies aren’t getting enough oxygen, this can be because we are tired and are forgetting to breath as much.

    Why other people do it around us when we do it? I don't really know, i have noticed this sometimes. Maybe its because the other people see you and do it without realising becuase its just a reaction. Maybe seeing someone else yawn sends messages to the brian saying its ok to yawn.

  4. We just discussed this in psychology class. Contagious yawning is a myth. Other people yawn when you yawn because of the idea of it. We yawn because it is a way to let our brain know that it is still time to be awake and if you have ever noticed it helps to keep your attention on whatever may be going on a that time
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