
Yellow coated tongue?

by Guest31933  |  earlier

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Hey, my friend noticed i had a yellow coat of i don't know what on my tongue, it is in the back region of my mouth(yellow,brownish kind of pasty & not really thick).I have researched, i need further information. Following things i do: smoke, drink coffee, drink tea,whitening mouth wash and i also eat a lot of spicy things( i can take alot of tobasco)? What are the causes? Is there anything i should worry about. Thank you for your help.




  1. Ew, clean your tongue. That's more then likely what that is. Yuck.

  2. you may also have a yeast infection in your mouth-go see a dentist!

  3. just scrape your tongue and most of that stuff will come off

    and most of bad breath is caused by this stuff

  4. there is nothing to worry about unless you start seeing sores or anything. all of the things you listed are a contributing factor to the coating. it probably won't go away but brush, floss and mouthwash daily to protect from anything serious. quit smoking k? thanks.  

  5. Plaque, dont worry, just brush back there a bit more.

  6. If you're driniking hot tea, you could have burned your tongue. This would cause discoloration. You should at least brush your tongue twice a day. Especially when you smoke, drink coffee, and drink tea. These are some of the worst things you can do to your mouth. You're lucky your teeth aren't falling out by now!

  7. Try different mouthwash....

    Try stop smoking.....

    Try brushing more do brush your tongue too, don't you?

  8. Your mouth is absolutely yellowy-browny-pasty because you smoke and only because you smoke. In the dental field, we call it hairy tongue or furry tongue. There's nothing you can do to make it go away except stopping smoking...period. If you don't want to stop smoking you can try brushing it really well to try and cut down on the smell, but nothing else will cure it. And it does smell yucky -  we can smell it through our masks at the dentist office. The dentist can tell you're a smoker even if you lie about it because just about all smokers have this. It's just more or less apparent depending on how much you smoke. (And smoking pot counts too.)

    True that coffee and tea will stain your teeth, but they don't stain your tongue.

  9. Doesn't sound like anything to worry about. My tongue sometimes has a yellow coat on it. I also drink coffee and smoke. When brushing my teeth I brush my tongue and it helps. If it gets sore or doesn't improve after brushing then go see a doc. May be a touch of thrush.  
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