
Yesterday when I was in bed...?

by Guest44578  |  earlier

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Last night I was in bed and I was imagining myself with someone (no one in particular, just another person) and we were lying together and I tried to imagine me kissing them and holding them. As I was doing this, I imagined them going to touch me (down there) and as it happened, I literally flinched my body as if to stop them from doing it.

Like I just didn't want them to do it so I flinched and like tried to stop them. (Again this is all me just imagining). But my question is, why would I have such a reaction, even to something that isn't really happening?

I'm 18 years old, I'm a guy. What do you make of that?




  1. Well, maybe you're still scared at the idea of being g*y?  So you stopped your fantasy before it went too far.  As far as people usually going "all the way" with their fantasies -- everyone is different.  There are no rules when it comes to fantasies.  It's totally normal.  Don't feel badly about it and next time, maybe you'll feel more comfortable with your fantasies.

  2. My take on this is that you desire intimacy, to kiss, hold and be fondled, but possibly in your subconscious you are afraid you may have to reciprocate the fondling, that the person you're with, again in your subconscious doesn't meet your expectations in that area. Maybe your afraid it may lead to premature ejaculation, fear of leading to oral s*x which may be distasteful to you. I see by your pro that you are shy, possibly a tad introverted, this could lead to fear of a commitment, fear of not pleasing and be rejected, laughed at. You don't mention your sexual orientation, or if this 'any person' is male or female. Are you struggling with your sexuality? This may be why you flinched; if so, was the 'other person' of the gender you are struggling with? Fear of exposing yourself to yourself and the other person of who you really are.

  3. one time i had an out of body experience and traveled from spain to visit my gf in pennsylvania.  seriously it was like a dream but clearer.  i was aware that i was physically laying in my bed in spain but what i was seeing (and feeling O_O) was her in her room.  it was so weird i called her long distance from a payphone the next day and she said she remembered having a dream about me being there.

  4. Are you a virgin?  If so it may just be something that you are not familiar with and perhaps think it awkward because you do not know what will happen.

    You may also just not enjoy oral s*x.  There are some people that do not enjoy getting it.  I know right, crazy!  LOL  

    Anyways it may just be something you concern yourself about.

    Practice makes everything less uncomfortable, so I say try it for real a couple times and maybe the sensation will pass.

  5. i don't really think it means anything.. and i think u probably liked the person u were dreaming about...maybe u didn't feel like u wanted him 2 keep on going bcause u probably didn't kow the persn...

  6. Hmmm, that is odd.

    Maybe that was just a automatic reaction cause you've never been touched down there before. And we've all been brought up with the idea that any touching down there was OFF LIMITS so maybe that's what happened, your mind just triggered an auto response.

    It's been so long since I was a virgin, Sweetie, that I tried to remember if I ever had that reaction when I used to imagine myself with someone. And I honestly don't think I ever flinched...I think I would end up grinding up on my pillow and kissing it, LOL.


  7. detailed

  8. I make of it that you're painfully shy.

    But judging from your Q&A's, you're also bright and extremely sweet.  When it finally does happen, you won't flinch.  You'll surrender to the moment, and he'll be a lucky guy :)

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