
Yet another Braces question?

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I am getting braces TOMAROW,

1. How long will it take. I am having top and bottom done, slightly crooked teeth no overbite or any of that.

2. What will be done. I read somewhere they just put the wire on.

3. the dumb question, Will it hurt, I have a slightly below average pain tolerance.

4. Major things you can't eat with braces.

thanks, any further information is welcomed.

(spell check wasn't working!!)




  1. 1. possibly a year or two

    2. first they have to put something in your mouth to keep it open then they put glue on then the brackets (the square metal things) then the wire then the elastic bands

    3. getting them on doesn't hurt, but when your done your lips will be extremely dry to put on chap stick! after and hour it hurts quite a bit so eat alot before that happens! it may last 3-5 days

    4. when your teeth hurt all you can eat is yogurt and soup, but when they don't hurt you shouldn't eat apples or carrots or anything like that, your not supposed to chew gum, but i do anyway :P

  2. Well, it is going to take awhile....and they actually use a special cement to adhere the braces to your teeth.

    Is it going to hurt...probably not so much while they are putting them on, your mouth will feel like its stretched though.

    AFTER they get them on....its going to hurt for will be sore, it will take awhile for your cheeks to get used to the braces against them, make sure you ask for some WAX before you leave.

    As for eating foods....they say no gum, sticky candy, hard candy, popcorn usually not a good thing...

  3. 1. well ive had braces on my top jaw twice (i got them in for the second time yesterday) because oneof my teeth is crooked and i have amassive overbite. that all took about 20 minutes including cleaning my teeth. so id say maybe 45 minutes?

    2. no, they are going to put the rubber bands on too, but not very tight, so you can get used to them,first. to put the brackets on, theyll put this nast tasting glue on your teeth, stick the brackets on really carefull, shine a blue hot light on your teeth, then the orthadontist will take this took and got CRUNCH. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. on every bracket. it doesnt hurt, and i dont know exactly what that does, but thats about it. Than theyll put the rubber bands on (this  is where its gonna start to hurt) but only really loose.

    3. YES it illhurt, but not within the first hour. itll just belike pressure and these massive things on your teeth, and about a few hours later itll start to hurt like CRAZY for the next few days (ow thats something i have to look foreward to for the next few days, yay me) so yeah, sorry, i have a lo tolerance for pain, too.but ive gone through this twice,so...

    4.  YOU CANT EAT:






    no chewing on ice

    any hard chips (NOT lays)

    nuts or seeds

    beef jerky



    gun (sugarfree)

    hershy bars

    milky ways

    3 muskateers

    pixy sticks

    peppermint patties

    (i basically just copied down the list i got from my orthadontist)

    your orthadondist will give you instructions on how to take care of your braces, and will give you a small cleaning kit.

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. dont worry..i promise you. people say that it hurts alot...but no way! i have the same exact pain tolerance as you..slightly below average. i have really crooked teeth. i got top and bottom yesterday plus a pallet expander! so imagine the wasnt bad at all. just take an advil and you will be fine..i almost fell asleep while they were putting them on..then when they told me to rinse..i had metal stuff in my mouth..i had no idea! todays my second day having them and im doing perfectly fine! they may rub up agaist your teeth....but thats whats wx is for. they  dont hurt nearly as bad as everyone told me! so worries! dont sweat it and GOOD LUCK!

  5. How long with it take to get them on? Probably half an hour to 45 minutes to get it all done. Maybe an hour depending how fast they work.

    2. They will put glue on your teeth, then put the brackets on, and then put the wire on top of that, and finally put the colored bands on to lock them in place.

    3. It shouldn't hurt to get them on, but it will hurt the rest of the day, so I suggest taking pain killers before you go. The next few days it should only hurt to eat, but after those few days you'll be fine to eat and you'll eventually forget your braces are there.

    4. They should give you a list of what you can and can't eat, or what you should eat less of. Just try to stay away from sticky and chewy stuff. Carmel apples for example are a big no no. My brother broke a brace on a twizzler so try to stay away from those. I wasn't allowed to have gum or popcorn, but I know people who were allowed to have those with braces, so it'll depend on your orthodontist.

    Good luck!

  6. putting them on takes a while, they will put a bunch of cotton balls and plastic lip guard things in to keep your teeth dry, they will also sterilize your teeth. they put on the glue and brackets and let it set. time can vary. mine took about 2 hrs.

    ask your doctors how long you will have to have them on, only they can tell you that.

    yes, it will ache. take some advil at first. when you get them tightened from time to time they might hurt. it goes away after a few days.

    don't eat anything hard that is big. example. if you want to eat carrot, cut it up so you can bite it without it pushing on the braces. they will tell you a bunch of stuff your not supposed to eat, but really you can eat most things as long as you do it carefully. and dont chew really sticky gum (most sugar-free ones are fine) or really anything thats way sticky.

    be careful of candy, if you eat it make sure you brush very very well. if it gets stuck on the sides of the brackets you may not know and it can cause decay that will show up when you get them off.

    oh,. and i was told not to use whitening toothpaste because it would whiten everything AROUND the brackets. Underneath would still be a darker shade.

    oh and if you do break something on them, just call and get it fixed right away, it's not such a big deal. everyone breaks brackets from time to time.

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