
Yoga from India!!!!!!!

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We indians are really very dumb imo and one of the reasons is that we have never accepted our own culture, only till other countries follow them

Now we sell there is yoga centres around the world and those countries are crediting themselves for yoga which indeed was India

Isnt it funny that we dont even respect our own culture




  1. Come-on,  i would nt say indians are dumb,  they do have a different culture,  but Indian people are very unique in my opinion.

    Yoga goes way back,  i didnt know it originated from Idia, personally i thought it came from china,  but hey now i know it came from India

  2. That indeed is the sad story of India. Every thing ( and all talent)Indian first has to be recognised abroad before Indians wake up and take pride in it

  3. It's the term sharing.

  4. It is highly questionable whether very many of those "yoga centres around the world" are actually practicing Yoga. For the most part they have significantly distorted the true meaning of Yoga.

    India can take pride in having in its roots the profound philosophies and practices of authentic Yoga. It would be great, however, if more Indians would learn about and be more outspoken about the true nature of Yoga.

    To the ancients, Yoga is a complete system, of which the postures are a small, though quite useful part. The word "Yoga" referred to the whole, not merely one part, which is the postures, or Asanas. The entire purpose of Yoga is spiritual in nature, according to the ancient sages. In modern times, the relative position of the postures has been elevated, so as to lead people to believe that the word "Yoga" refers to physical postures or Asanas, and that the goal of these is physical fitness. The whole and the part have been reversed, terribly misleading and confusing people about the true nature of authentic Yoga.

    The goal or destination of Yoga is Yoga itself, union itself, of the little self and the True Self, a process of awakening to the preexisting union that is called Yoga. While it is not the intent of this article to give a final or conclusive definition of the term Yoga--which can be described in different ways--it has to do with the realization through direct experience of the preexisting union between Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, and Shiva and Shakti, or the realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakriti. The mere fact that one might do a few stretches with the physical body does not in itself mean that one is headed towards that high union referred to as Yoga.

    Swami Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar, India, describes the modern situation of Yoga quite well in the Introduction of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika commentary by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati, where he writes:

    "In ancient times hatha Yoga was practiced for many years as a preparation for higher states of consciousness. Now however, the real purpose of this great science is being altogether forgotten . The hatha Yoga practices which were designed by the rishis and sages of old, for the evolution of mankind, are now being understood and utilized in a very limited sense. Often we hear people say, 'Oh, I don't practice meditation, I only practice physical Yoga, hatha Yoga.' Now the time has come to correct this view point. Hatha Yoga is a very important science for man today....

    "The main objective of hatha Yoga is to create an absolute balance of the interacting activities and processes of the physical body, mind and energy. When this balance is created, the impulses generated give a call of awakening to the central force (sushumna nadi) which is responsible for the evolution of human consciousness. If hatha Yoga is not used for this purpose, its true objective is lost ."

  5. you are absolutely wrong. this is not really what is taking place. India is very much developed. yoga would have never reached other countries IF  the yogis would have not let it remain if they kept this tradition of performing yoga till generations.....then how can you say that ...i quote.."WE HAVE NEVER ACCEPTED OUR OWN CULTURE" i must say that other countries are following some Indian traditions only because Indian have followed and preserved them marvelously..... and India is the richest terms of its tradition so i don't think its doing a sort of business or it is doing it for business purposes....i think that it is contributing in making world a better place......if Arabian countries are giving fuel, china is giving home appliances, japan is giving cars, so i strongly believe that  india is also contributing by giving its rich culture to the world....and this is a great job.....we must never say that we never accepted our culture......there few people who have not accepted their culture......but the majority is FOR their culture.....they are not SELLING yoga...they are only sharing what they know......just as japan is sharing its REIKI to the world......and no one can deny the fact that yoga is from India.....only mad people think that they are CREATING  yoga......there is nothing funny because people are respecting their culture.......i am saying this because the tradition is front of me...and it is growing up and human beings are benefiting from it....well...i am not an indian.....i am mauritian but i know how the world is benefiting from indian please...dont mind my words and just think much the world is benefiting from yoga and other culture.....god bless you all..

  6. India is an ancient land and Indians have one of the oldest of cultures. Numerous sciences and health techniques have come forth, evolved and spread from India. Yoga is just one of them.

    There are many Indians who practice yoga even today. There are yoga teachers in Indian schools. Every morning, people can be found performing various yogic techniques in local parks in Indian cities.

    Yoga is just very subtle and almost a part of life in India. Whereas, in the west, it has been commercialised and everything which is comercialised is also popularised to gain maximum gains from it monetarily.

    But, if you compare the average westerner with an average Indian, more Indians are aware of and practice yoga than the people in the west.

  7. It's NOT FUNNY !!!

    Yet people are still Practicing it........... By Swami Ramdev................ I think so..

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