
You enviromental friendly people;HELP!

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does anyone know how i can start some sort of

"save the animals" or "save the trees"

type thing.

yea, ive been called a hippy and all that, so i dont need your opinion.

well ive always wanted to like make some kind of organization that involves helping animals in some way.

like oil spill ducks and homeless animals.

you get what im sayin...hopefully!?

but anything that would help me would be greaaaaatttttllllyyyyy appreciated!





  1. Until you know of a bunch of animals needing to be rescued, and close to you, your group will not function and will quietly disband.

    Groups of this kind need to exist as a registry of people ready to lend a hand when a situation arises... someone needs to be able to send out an urgent message, be it by e-mail or telephone, to get people in motion, get them appropriately equipped, direct transportation to the point of need.

    This needs to be a global effort to accomplish the most, so a well publicized web site may be the method. But it also needs to be getting fast news of problems, and have staff to react and organize the action.  

  2. Have you considered just joining one of the other groups out there that are after the same goal. There are many groups that are looking for local organizers and that are nationally active, so you could make a big difference that way.

    Just look on the internet and type in what you are interested in and you will likely find dozens of groups to join.

  3. It's nice to feel the way you do, but nature is the best at taking care of itself.  The animals don't need people meddling in their affairs.

    Oil spill ducks were from the last spill 40 years ago.  There have been no spills related to US oil production since then, only spillage related to foreign oil production that doesn't require the same level of safety as in the US.

    Best bet is to get Pelosi to quit stalling and lift bans on oil production in the US so the oil will not be drilled and transported by unsafe countries like Africa and Venezuela.

    Just curious though... What do you mean by "homeless animals" ?  Animals belong in nature.  Don't try to give them little homes.  Be kind to animals and let them live the way they want to live, in nature.

    Educate yourself on animals and nature, as well the agencies that pretend to help the environment but are really trying to destroy our economy.  Entities like Sierra Club and Greenpeace were taken over by a bunch of rabid anti-capitalists some years ago.  If you could combat their influence on our politicians that would be a great thing you could do for the environment as well as our economy.

  4. i need help on a net based project that I have just started in regards to awareness of alternative energy and I think it's a really worthy cause that you would like. There are new and really good forms of energy that nobody seems to know anything about. I've done a lot of research. Any alleviation of oil that we use could help to save the environment. I am particularly upset that they are going to drill in Alaska because we don't need to. If you would like to help me start the group i would be more than happy to tell you more. I;m not a hippy either but I have a strong sense that I need to do something - can you e-mail me and I will give you more info about me and what I want to do, I think you will like it, thanks -

  5. Did you know that Hitler was an environmentalist?? He wanted engines to run on water. He put the earth and animals above human beings. Sound familiar to todays times. Read a book written by the president of the Czech Republic Klause. We must not be silenced by the so called liberals.

  6. You dont sound like a Hippy?

  7. There are so many of these already.  The Sierra Club, Audubon Society, Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Federation and many others.  Lots of these have local chapters.  It might be easier to find a group you really like and start a local chapter with your friends than to start from scratch.  Ask at the library or search online for "Environmental Organizations."

  8. I'd suggest starting out by finding a group that already does something similar to what you want to do and volunteer or intern with them. This way you can learn all about how the operation works. They've already made mistakes you're bound to run up against and have figured out  what works and what doesn't. You'll become more of an expert in the field and improve your network.

    Once you're ready to get started definitely go with an NPO status.

  9. Get some friends or schoolmates who share the same passion as you do for the environment. You guys can meet and talk about starting a "Green" organization and what the goals and purpose of the organization would be. This way you are not determining what the organization will be all about on your own and the people who help you build the organization will be just as invested in it as you.

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