
You guys ever feel like this?

by  |  earlier

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You ever get so pissed when people go out and buy pets and don't even no what there doing and then come on answers to ask what to do, like I've seen questions like why does my dog bark whenever he's in his cage and stuff with like rodents why doesn't my little pet like to be held I dunno it just gets me mad, you guys ever get pissed like that? when they don't know what to do with it once they get it?




  1. Well most people get pets but do not thoroughly look into their pet before getting it. The general knowledge might be there, but the further knowledge is most likely not. I have seen many excellent pet answerers on here, so it's a great place to ask.

    I do not get angry at it, because at least they're asking instead of winging it, and not taking care of their pet properly!

    I hope this answers your question, although opinionated,

    Pet Rodent Expert

  2. oh yeah, definintely! there was this one girl who said that she found a CUTE LITTLE PUPPY IN A PET STORE and she begged her mom to get it for her! she already had a dog. and people where so pissed and they were cussing her out cause she wanted to buy from a pet store! but yeah a lot of people ask really useless questions!

  3. I know exactly what you mean.  I frequently find myself answering questions that owners should know beforehand.  When that happens, I feel like the person is treating an animal like a toy rather than a living entity.  The worst are the people who purchase the animal and then come on this forum going, "I just got X as a pet, what is everything I should know?"

    I wish if people were interested in getting an animal, to use this site to get direction towards quality information.

    K, I'm going to get off my soap box now.....

  4. OMG! YES!!!!!! if you want a pet do the research before you go out and buy it. i answer the question anyway for the life of the poor animal.

  5. Yeah, that probably is true. At least their asking for help though. They could google it too, but I don't know. lol :P

  6. uh no!!!!!!!its ok!mind ur own business!

  7. Yeah I geuss. But let's face it, anyone who has/had a pet had to start in the same possition those people are in. I mean, when I first got chickens, I didn't know that they pecked as hard as they do. I thought it was an affectionate nudge. My chickens have never pecked at anyone, so that's why I thought that. I know that sounds stupid of me and it was, but hey, I learned. They just need time to figure these things out.

  8. all the time.

  9. uh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!its okay!mind your own business!

  10. i get really annoyed when people get pets on impulse without doing any research or ask for one for their birthday. i knew a girl once who got a guinea pig for her birthday and kept it in a hamster ball! thats just cruel and animals deserve better

  11. yes that is one of my biggest pet peeves! it's also not fair to the animal who deserves the best care they can get! i always research a pet before i get it.

  12. ya, I get annoyed sometimes. I mean, come on. It's just common sense!

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