
Young single parenting tips,??? help???

by  |  earlier

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i recently posted a a question on what to do when my bf wanted me to kill my baby, after reading all the advice i decided and realised he was no gd for me so i finished it, he went mad but i dont care my baby is coming first from now on,

Im 21 and certain i want to keep my baby but i need help and tips of single parenting as i av no mother of my own to help,

pease help maybe share your single parenting stories, im looking forward to the arrival of my new baby boy in january.




  1. don't go back with him he is a loser

    enjoy the pregnacy and and read alot of baby books  and surf the web

    you don't say anything about your parents can they help you  

  2. I have no advice just praise for you in knowing what is right I hope all goes well for you and may you always look back and know you have done the right thing lol

  3. Hey i was in your same boat only i had twins and was pregnant at 21 i was with a great man but we weren't married. So when he found out i was pregnant again he flipped a lid i don't know why it changed but it did needless to say he left me with 2 kids and one on the way. I have been raising kids since i was 18 and it gets easier. Being a single mom will be hard i wont lie but it is worth it. Not only do i have the best relationship with my boys the man i am with now is to so when you have your little baby boy focus on him and only him don't look for a man or sympathy focus on him give him everything you got, you'll never forget it.  

  4. i am 20 and when i was 3 months pregnant i found out my boyfriend was seeing another girl! HE DIDNT EVEN SHOW UP TO MY SONOGRAM to see the baby and the entire time i was clueless, it hurts real bad, but once he sees the baby, he will come around, whether you guys want to be together or not, and if not? his loss! but on advice, raising a baby on your own with out your mom to help is going to be hard, and alot of sleepless nights, but i would move somewhere you have some family, or atleast real close friends to help out! join a group of pregnant women, or when the baby is born, join a play group like gymboree to meet some mothers and babies! good luck..

  5. All you need to do is show the baby love, give him a loving home - now that you got rid of the idiot sounds like you have one! You will be absolutly fine - you will have the help of the health visitor once baby is here. You don't need a mother to help - I didn't and I managed just fine. I'm sure you wil be fantasic!! Don't worry xxxxxx

  6. I had my 1st child at 17.Her Father was a loser and never saw her,so i was a complete single mum and to be honest it was fine.A struggle,but fine.

    I waited 10 years before having my Son with my then husband.When my Son came along i was more tired,stressed and emotional as i got no help. I divorced him 8 months later after finding out he was cheating throughout my pregnancy.He has chosen for the past 3 years not to see either child (he adopted my daughter after we married).

    Things are sometimes hard,but in my experience whether single,married or whatever.....parenting is hard.It is also very rewarding.

    If you ever want someone to chat to you can email me and i'll try and help out.

    You didn't say where you live?UK or overseas.

    You need to find out what you're entitled to etc.


  7. i ama  single parent and i have no mother to help. i did but i got rid of her 3 years ago as she did nothing but bring me down.

    I would like another baby and having no mom around now has made me think of this very same question. I think it will be hard but it wont last long and you may have a baby which sleeps most oif the night.

    i will add you to my contacts ok?


    you need a clear mind

    then when the baby is older you can gog ot college if you havent already there are lots of oppurtunities for a single mom these days

  8. I am going through a similar situation.  At this point in your pregnancy keep your mind off the negative.  Be healthy, and enjoy it!! The negative energy can affect the health of your unborn.  Surround yourself with friends and family.  A support system is very important.  God makes a way for everything...It will all work out

  9. Your ex was no good for u, your baby should always come first.

  10. I really hope everything goes well for you even though I cant offer any advice.  I also feel very deeply for the others who have answered your question and are single parents and have had their male partner leave them  Good luck to all of you.

  11. the most importanat thing is to not let people get to u. there will ALWAYS be neg. comments about wat ur doing and u just have to brush them off. u already doing great by putting the baby first.apply for assistance if u can and dont let people make u feel bad if u need the help. make sure that u can find a decent to good job and just have patients, not only with ur baby, but with ur life. being a parent is hard and being a single parent is 1000x harder,but its not as bad as some people make it out to be. just keep ur head up and keep moving forward and stay positive, even in the worst situation. take help when its offered, this is one of my biggest flaws, if someone is offering , take it. and remember hand me downs are never that bad, most times they are really nice things! stock up on things for ur baby, if u can, get baby food and all sizes of diapers and all sizes of clothes, and soap and things, u can never have too much. good luck

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