
Your Opinion on this synopis?

by Guest44535  |  earlier

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I am planning on writing a book, called "Freak" for teenagers/pre teens.

So i was wondering if some of you guys would give me your opinion?

All i have right now is the Synopis done.

So here it goes:


Im the girl you make fun of in the hallways.

Im the girl who runs home to just cry into her pillow.

Im the girl who bakes cookies on saturday nights.

Im the girl, who waits by the phone; just to here from you.

Im that girl.


So yeah.

Any comments or constructive critism appreciated!

thanks :)




  1. That describes, more or less, the behavior of easily over half the teen-aged girls at some point for some times in  their school careers, maybe it ought to be called "majority". Also, it is not a synopsis, unless this is going to be a very short and rather uneventful short story.

  2. This tells me something about a character, but nothing about your story.  What happens?  What is the major problem and the climax of events?  What's the setting, plot, etc?  You could turn this into a story if you put some more thought into it, but like she said, this isn't enough and it's not quite a synopsis.

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