
Your Thoughts About John Cena.... ?

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what do you think about John Cena? honest opinions cause everyone's opinion counts.....IMO Cena isnt that good and he is highly overrated BUT i do respect the man for putting his body on the line for us, night after night....




  1. i think cena is good

    he won the wwe championship

    and had it for almost a year


  2. I honestly have to say Cena rocks sure he has a limited move set, but he is a 3-time WWE Champion he has accomplished more then some of the greatest Wrestlers in history.

  3. is he my favorite

    but do respect him for what he does...yes.

    he is a nice guy and cares about his fans.

    i believe people think its cool to rag on the guy just for the h**l of it (PAC) which is pretty lame.

  4. Honestly he's a good wrestler, but like you said yourself. He is extremely over-rated. I dont think he's as good as everyone seems to think, but he does his job and keeps us entertained.

  5. I Not A Big Fan Of Cena Cause He Always Wins Cmon Give Some Other Superstars A Chance And Hes Lieng About His Injury Cause Hes Making A Movie

  6. put his body on the line??it is fack and he is famous so they will make sure nothing happens to him.honestly he is a good fighter.i am glad he came from being a nobody(i remember his first fight against kurt angle and he wore little green trunks)to being somebody.the only thing i hate is when lady's are overwhelmed with him.the other thing i hate is when he does that stupid hip-hop and "chain gang soldier" stuff.that is annoying and stupid

  7. Hes a good wrestler in my opinion and since meeting him @ work as many times as i did i really respect him more..he is sooo sweet and funny in person which made me admire him more.he does so many charities and one looks @ the good he has done for ppl..he really cares for his fans..unlike some other ppl ive met..who are reall @ssholes... he may not have as many moves so what i dont care ..i still like him as a wrestler..ok he may be a little overrated just a little..and that just because soooo many girls only like him because of his looks and not for what he does..i mean i admit i think hes that's not the only reason why i like him..i mean like you said he puts his body and his possibly his life on the line for us ,for our entertainment..and that just great..

  8. i don't really hate cena that much but it is i am tired of seeing him. people say he sucks and brought on the kid era but if you have seen him in OVW he really is good but WWE watered down his moves. also it is not cena's fault that vince wants to market him as a superhero. also if someone said that you were going to win a major title you wouldn't say no would you. cena is a hard worker and has the ability to improve as a wrestler but most smarks can't see that and would boo him even if he were to be taken out of the title picture and start to wrestle well again and that is just sad

  9. to be honest with you, i think Cena IS  a good wrestler. he has fought with many tough guys. and if he wasnt good then people wouldnt have liked when he first started. i mean he was very funny and talented,. but now people start saying bad stuff about him. i dotn know why. but i think that his new gimmick just doesnt work for him.

    it's just ridiculous to see someone who gets beaten every beginning of the match and then comes out of nowhere to FU and STFU the other guy and wins. and wwe needs to change that. Cena needs a new gimmick that will bring back the old him! and thanks for respecting him for what he does! other people need to realize the good things he does and respect him!

    i feel really bad for Cena! a neck injury is really bad. i dont know when he will be back. may god bless him to have a safe surgery and to get better soon. i actually almost got a heart attack when i heard baout his injury. my heart started beating so fasst and i started screaming and went into my room and then started screaming and crying. i mean i was so crazy!

    and one of the bad parts is that i already bought a ticket to see him on september 29th. plus, my birthday is on oct, 27th and before i bought the ticket, my mom told me that if i buy the ticket then there wont be any birthday party for me. and i agreed then she bought the tickets for me. and now what? there's no reason for me to go if he's not gonna be there. and i just wasted my mom's money for nothing, and there wont be any celebration for my birthday! my dream just got crashed!

    gosh! why did this has to happen? i dont know when i will be able to see him agian! Cena will be out for a long time! WWE might lose a bit of money because of the absence of Cena! WWE will have to work hard on the storyline becuase some of the big superstars are out like Randy Orton, Edge, and now Cena! i really truly hope and pray for him to get better real soon! may god bless you, Cena! have a safe surgery and get well real soon!

    Edited: i agree with most of you here. i'm glad that now there are people who see the good things he does. and i agree with LIL_Kia. most girls like him for only his looks and that's why he get alot of haters. because haters are sick of his fans that only like him for that. i mean he's a really great guy. even though i have never met him before but i really think a great guy. because he says lots of great thigns in his interviews. he's not one of those guys who work for only money. this is Cena's passion to be in this industry. he cares alot for his fans. he works hard for the wwe. he has great mic skills. and this is why vince likes him. i mean who wouldnt like someone who is as great and nice as Cena!

    and it's not his fault that he has 5 moves. wwe limits that. and other wrestlers have only 5 moves too. it's not his fault that he has a super hero gimmick, wwe writes that stroryline or gimmick for him! he just do what they tell him to! and it's not his fault that lots of girls like him. i mean who wouldnt like a guy who is sweet, nice, funny, talented, cares for other people, works hard, and cute!

    i truly  think he's a great wrestler. haters always try to point out or make false comments about him because they hate him. and that just not fair for him! i'm glad that there's not much haters or false comments here! i'm glad that people start to realize the good things he does, and not the untrue things about him! great question! and for all cena girl fans, please dont just like him for his looks, he has alot more than that. by the way, i'n a fan of Cena!

  10. All you Cena haters can jump for joy now because he has a serious neck injury and will be out for quite some time.....again.  Cena will always be my favorite with Jeff Hardy close behind.

  11. Yes, Dr. Youngblood is very good and well known within the WWE. I was kicking and screaming at the tv last night when it was announced that Cena was injured at the hands of Batista in their Summer Slam match. It really sucks that he may be out until Fall 2009 and miss WrestleMaina and Summer Slam. You can believe me when I say that RAW is probably going to go downhill without him for a while, he was one of the big money makers on the show. I hope he gets better and I know just as well as every other Cena fan knows, we are all holding our breath and praying for him to have a speedy recovery. I can't wait for him to get back so he can beat the **** out of Batista for possibly sidelining him for almost a year.

    Dr. Youngblood did Greggory Helms' neck injury I believe, and Helms is set to return soon, so John Cena is in good hands.

    I wish John Cena a speedy and safe recovery.

  12. My honest opinion?

    I think he's a good performer and knows how to hype the crowd.. I am a fan of him *hides from angry smarks*.

    I am glad he's finally jobbing anyway because his reigns were abit boring anyway..

    HE IS NOT AS BAD AS SMARKS MAKE HIM OUT TO BE. But he's not as good marks say..

    He's cool.

  13. am going to miss cena i wish him a quick recovery

  14. I think he's a solid wrestler, though not even close to being the best in the company, he's managed to somehow put on some great matches with top workers like Michaels, Orton, Umaga, Triple H, etc while becoming one of the better crowd workers around. Although some of their criticisms ring true, many Cena haters often blindly rip him with stupid or untrue reasons, and there are just as many bandwagon Cena fans as there are bandwagon Cena haters. But regardless of his controversial wrestling talent, the guy puts out a workhorse effort to please the fans and draws fans into the product, which is everything you want in a main eventer.

    I wish him a speedy recovery from his apparent neck injury, whether you hate him or not, nobody deserves to have something like this happen.

  15. Man I'ma miss Cena. Cena is my boy. I don't care what y'all think man. Randy is out and now Cena. d**n

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