
Your Thoughts On Gene Upshaw?

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So Im watching NFL Live((DVR baby!)) and Gene Upshaw passed away.. he was known to s***w retried players over.. what are ur thoughts on him?




  1. R.I.P. Gene.the nfl, the players and a whole generation of fans thank you for what you did to that sport. Even after a brillant career. (7 pro bowls, 3 superbowl) you helped to build the NFLPA. Thank you Eugene Thurman Upshaw, Jr.

  2. Major loss to the NFL. He will be missed.

  3. Hey Amanda...well i know i'm gonna take a lot of heat for this and a lot of thumbs-down, but i believe in saying what i think...not what others want to hear...Now i'm not one to kick someone when your down or dance on someone's grave...but honestly, i don't think it's that big a loss...Gene Upshaw is the #1 person i hold responsible for the insanely huge rookie contracts(and greedy agents too)...I also believe that he failed to take care of retired players...Lots of retired NFL players don't have places to live coz all their money is gone in operations and that's sad...these are the players who helped make our game what it is...they shouldn't be treated like that...and Upshaw as President failed them (badly)...i'm glad Mike Ditka started that organisation to look after them...i also think Upshaw had no flexibility in his, i think we can extend the CBA and avoid a crazy salary-cap free season! :)

  4. Football lost a  man who did alot for the game. He will be missed.

  5. Yeah, my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

    As a youngster, I only got to hear about his negative side(Director). But I heard he was a great player and did a lot for the Raiders

  6. A very unfortunate loss, he will be missed. Really helped the game and tried his best to help retired NFL players. The news bulletin came out of nowhere and pretty much surprised me. Pancreatic cancer is serious and it killed him in a week.  

  7. he died at age 63 and he was number 63!

  8. really sad

  9. it is a loss to the nfl...

  10. I have to say the The NFL lost a great man today, but there is no doubt that he could have done a million times more for veteran players than he chose to do. It's great that the current players receive 60 percent of the revenue, but all I can think about is people like Earl Campbell who can barely walk right now because of the way he played.

    Gene Upshaw was a Hall of Fame player and as head of the labor union, one of the most influential people in NFL history. Unfortunately his legacy will always be hurt by his lack of assertiveness in getting maximum benefits for vets in need. Ironically he did more to help current players than any person in history.

  11. I didn't have the privlage of watching him play for the Raiders but from what I've heard from analyst, he was a very great player and loved the game of football. Hopefully people will remember him for not only what he did off the field with the NFLPA but also the NFL itself as a player.  

  12. No only did he do a lot for the NFL as an organization..... But he did a lot for the players. He took care of players of old as well as players of today!!!! He had funds that would take care of players after there career!!!! NFL in it's whole lost a very important person... And I assure you ..he will be missed by many!!!!!

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