
Your best teenage year?

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Is it 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19?

I'm currently 16, right in the midst of being a teenager. I can't exactly make my judgement yet.

Apparently each year has it's own specific ...something? (I don't know what to call it!)

Either way, go ahead and spill!




  1. I loved being 13 and I love being 18 lol. At 18 you can do whatever you want and you're not this little kid anymore, you can go to college and there isn't that much drama. Also you can drive that is a major perk. At 13 you're happy you're a teenager. I don't think the teen years are the best years of your life though; the best years will be when I'm married with children and deep into my career.

  2. 15 cause i am 15..i feel awsome lol

  3. My best year was definitely 18/19 - just because it is those last teenage years that you are inevitably the smartest, wisest, most mature, most responsible, etc. And at least for me, it wasn't until then that I was able to (for the most part) separate myself from all the typical high school drama. College can have it's own drama too of course...but still nothing compared to shallow high school c**p.

  4. 14 because you start to become more mature than others and 15 (i am right now) because i met the guy of my dreams(well i knew him for a while) but we are just getting together a few months ago

    OH YEAH! and when you turn 15 you get your permit out here in CALI


  6. When i was 16 years old

  7. 16 woop woop :)

  8. Well I am 18 now, and i will say this is my best teenage year.

    Not because I can drink and smoke if I want to but because, I have gained confidence in myself. I am out of my awkward little girl stage (mostly) I know how to let loose and just have fun, without worrying about stupid things, younger teens are so caught up in

  9. 14. That was definitely the best for me so far, bearing in mind I'm only 16 now. Probably because that was when I was more clear on who I was, I became more interested in certain music/films/books and got a good group of friends because of my interests. Before that I used to hang out with these people, who when I really discovered my interests, hated me. So 14 because I was really starting to discover who I was, I felt so comfortable with it and I got real friends.

  10. 18 kicks quite a lot of ***.  Personally, I'm a month off 19, so I can't judge either.

  11. 15-17, no questions asked.

  12. i liked 15 best so far. 14 was okay too

  13. i cant freally say cause i'm still 13 but it has been my favourite year of my life :)

  14. Well, I'm still a teen so...


    That's my age right now.


  15. 13 of course...........I had this major crush on some guy who changed my whoooooole life :) I'm now 15 and I still like him....I'm a better person now, I changed him and he changed me. Also I discoverd my new talent of singing i didn't know I had one (:

  16. well im only 14 but so far this has been the best year (:  

  17. 14 kicked asss, 16 was pretty awesome, 17's been alright so far.

  18. 16 is good because you can drive

    18 because you can buy cigaretts

  19. 14/15 was good because i started getting a really good social life and was always having a laugh and goofing off with my mates ... the summer when i was 14 was amazing because you can still be really immature when your with mates and get away with it

    Iv just turned 16 so i can't really tell yet thb.

    18 should be good because then i can legally buy alcohol and get into clubs.

  20. 14. Best school year of my life so far..

  21. Sweet 16.  I miss being carefree and having boyfriends.  And just feeling all nervous about going on dates.  I miss being with my friends and just acting crazy and goofing off.

  22. So far, the very end of 14 and all of 15.

    [I'm almost 16.]

  23. 13 was definitely my favorite.

  24. So far, 18 has by far been the best. Senior year, the summer before college and college are a blast. 13, 14, 15 are way too drama filled, even if you try to stay out of the drama. 16 gets better because you can drive. 17 isn't bad either since you're in senior year but 18 has been the best. You are considered an adult and have more freedom and people tend to become more fun and carefree.

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