
Your eyes.....?

by Guest57125  |  earlier

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What can cause the blood vessels in your eyes to pop? And what can you do to help them? I have seen people with them before and it isn't an emergency room visit thing but is there anything you can use to clear it up sooner?

I had mine pop about two days ago but I only noticed it yesterday, it is in the bottom corner of my eye and it looks red (obviously) but is isn't smooth like a normal eye is, it is rough..... is this normal when an eye vessel pops?

and what can I do to heal it quicker?




  1. high blood pressure can cause a weak eye vessel to burst.

    Heal it by applying cold pressure on it with an ice pack and a eye patch

  2. It is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage.  They can be caused by coughing, sneezing, straining when lifting heavy objects and blood pressure problems.  It is like a bruise on the eye and will go away on its own in 2-3 weeks.

  3. leave it alone
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