
Your first time driving...?

by Guest58967  |  earlier

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How were you? And how were your second and third times and so on?

My mom has been letting me drive a bit and I'm just awful. This is my third time, and I still can't keep control of the car. I can't make very good turns, and I can't keep the car going straight for the life of me :-(




  1. My 1st time was at 13 in a big old truck. The best thing to do is to start in a big car, it takes a while to get good control but thats normal. Also, it might be the alignment of the car, if its good then you should be able to let go of the wheel and it should stay straight.

  2. My first time I was petrified.  I didn't know I had a phobia until I started driving.  It took a long time for be to be able to drive on a road instead of in a parking lot.  I don't drive anymore.  I never got my driver's license and I'm 20 now.

  3. i was 15

  4. wow, the easiest part of driving IS keeping the car going straight forward. i was alright, the only bad things were my turns, they were HORRIBLE, i didnt have the technique

  5. After I finished driver's ed, i was alot better. i suggest enrolling in some type of driving class. i wasn't that bad at first though.

  6. 14 years old. Was in a parking lot with my cousin who let me drive his car. I started out by coasting. Try that in an empty parking lot. and try just turning into a parking space. Don't even use the gas petal. Then progress to using the gas petal, and then out of the parking lot. It's fine, you'll get the hang of it :)

    Good luck!

  7. your just need to relax and practice makes perfect.

  8. i drove 3 times- once in a place that doesn't exist anymore (they built stuff over it) when i was 13, another time on a straight road that lead to a dead end when i was 15, and another time down the valley when i was 15. i did really well, but everyone is different.

  9. I was not even good at driving until my 10th time probably. It's hard to learn... don't worry about it. I'm still learning and I have my license.

  10. With practice you will get better. My little sister didn't start driving till she was 15. She's 16 and half now and has her license, but is still not a good driver, but she NEVER practices. I started driving when I was 14 and did so every chance I got and quickly became a pro (or so I thought). Just keep practicing and don't stress too much because if you are nervous you will be more likely to make mistakes. It will come in time, not everybody is a natural when it comes to driving. I think that you will be fine because you obviously want to be a good driver.

  11. Mine was after I got my permit. (I was 15 and a half)  I wasn't supposed to drive until driver's ed, but I didn't want my first time to be with a instructor on public roads. My dad took me into a empty parking lot. I was so scared. I was absolutely horrible at gasing and breaking. I didn't like turning either.

    My second time he took me to a country road, that was a dead end. I did a little better, but it was still really hard. My third time was a different parking lot where he tried making me back up.

    The next time I went driving was my Driver's-ed. That's driving all over town.

    I've had my permit for 4 months now. I think I'm a bad driver, I still have a hard time going stairght, everyone says the freeway is easy, but it doesn't seem like it too me.

    I just hope that I'm good enough to get my license in 2 months.

    Don't worry, your not the only one, it's hard. Wait til you try parking, and backing up. I hate it.

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