
Your insight into life?

by Guest57634  |  earlier

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Whats your biggest single insight into life?

It doesnt need to be positive, it can be negative and im not asking about the meaning of life or how to be happy, but those can be discussed in your insight.

Hopefully someone can impress me with something more philosophical and engaging than "work hard and love."




  1. If you give only your very best in all endeavors, happiness, peacefulness and satisfaction will follow.    

  2. You asked about the meaning of life or being happy. Site below explains how Aristotle and the Dalai Lama say that the purpose of life is to be happy. That page is all about how to really do that and find the secret to life.

  3. No matter how you feel, you still control your actions.

  4. The answer I got when I asked God if He really existed.

    (34 years ago now and it's like it happened this morning!)

    Regards UK

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