
Your kids' bedtimes and bathtimes?

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What time do your kids go to bed and how old are they? My kids are 6, 4, 3, and 1; and what we do is from roughly 7:30 - 8 we read bedtime stories with the 4, 3, and 1 year old, and they go to sleep at 8:00, and my 6 year old daughter reads in bed from 8-8:30 and then goes to sleep at 8:30. Do thse times seem reasonable? the only thing I'm really concerned with is 8:00 to late a bedtime for a 1 year old?

Also, how often do your kids bathe? We do everyday at our house, but I know my sister's kids only do every other day. Thoughts?




  1. I have 3 kids 6, 3 and 1. The 6 and 3 year old girls bath every day except fri (unless they're real dirty then I'll do it. My 1 year old son gets a bath every other day.

    I like to have the girls in bed by 8.00 on a school night but am more relaxed during holidays and at weekends. My 3 year old knows when she is tired and goes to bed with no bother, however my 6 year old seems to have limitless energy and sometimes it can be a real struggle to get her to go to bed.

    My 1 year old goes to bed between 9 and 10 but he usually has 2 good sleeps during the day. He then gets up any time between 7.30 and 8.30 the next morning. Luckily my husband doesn't start work early so he sees to him while I do the school run. The routine works for us.

  2. My kids are 10, 8, 4 and 1. My older two go up to take showers around 7-730, depending on what time we finish dinner and what activites we have that afternoon. I then give my 4yr and 1yr a bath though my 4yr has started to take showers recently. My youngest is in bed by 730-45 and once I put her to bed, we read. My 4yr goes to bed at 815, my 8yr at 830 and my 10yr 845-9.

    We bathe every day and I think you really need to. I don't know about anyone else's kids, but mine are costantly running about outside, playing, sweating etc. They very rarely are inside watching tv, on the computer etc and stick by the end of the day! They also need the shower/bath to calm them down before bed and they use lotion so their skin doesn't dry out. As for the bed time for your 1yr, I don't think 8pm is that really depends on your schedule with him/her throughout the day and their sleeping habits. If it works, go for it.

    Best Wishes =]

  3. The bedtimes are perfect.  Kids don't need to bathe everyday.  My kids did it every 2 days unless of course they got real dirty.  Bathing too often is bad for the skin anyway.

  4. my kids 3 and 19 months bedtime routine usually consists. My  of bath 7 or 7;30 one quick show for 45 minutes story time  they usually fall asleep around 9pm. My 19 month takes a bath everynight and my 3 yr old takes a shower every morning.

  5. My son is 19 months old and goes to bed no later than 7:00, but it's usually around 6:30. He sleeps till 7am, so I know he needs the sleep.

    Dinner around 5:15-5:30

    Bath around 5:45-6:00

    story/playtime, then bed when he shows the signs.

    he loves his schedule and we dare not move it. ;)

  6. My girls go to bed between 6pm and 7pm.  They are aged 5 years and aged 18 months.  

    The earlier bedtime usually suits more during school-term-time and the later during holidays.

    I would leave my eldest daughter up later, but she wakes at the same time no matter when she goes to sleep and I think it is healthier for her to get a longer sleep.

    I believe it is whatever works for you all as a family; if you are concerned that your baby is going to bed too then try andshift it gradually to a time that you are happier with.

    I am fortunate enough to be at home with my children all day; but I know other parent who give their children a later bed-time because they work til later - and still want to see their kids.

    Bath-time is usually every other day in our house - when my partner finishes work early enough to help me (currently heavily pregnant).  But if it's been a particularly mucky day (especially the toddler) then daily baths arre certainly needed. - Just a shame she hates the bath!!

  7. I have an 8 yr old son, make him take a shower/bath every 2 days minimum, sometimes he wants to do it more often.  His bedtime during school is 8 pm, summer its 9

    Our 3 yr old (almost 4) has a time of 8:30 , she likes a bath everynight (mainly to play)

    As for your 1 yr old you should be happy he/she sleeps the night.  I'd imagine they still take 2 naps a day so whatever bedtime works I'd go with it.  We were routinely up till 9-10pm with our kids at that age since they slept so much in the day. Its up to the kid.  Best thing is to have a routine and stay with it, kids will adapt and be happy.  Don't let them stay up till they want to, we did that for ahile and our sub 2 yr old was up at midnight...what a nightmare

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