
Your views on illegal immigration?

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let me add some details.

my boyfriend and his family are from iran and came to the US "illegally." we are both FOR illegal immigration (whether it be from canada, mexico, europe, asia, whatever.)

and they do NOT get free healthcare. they have to pay just as much as anyone else, and WITHOUT insurance like citizens have which makes it MORE expensive for them to receive medical attention.




  1. The laws need to be change. Currently it is impossible to legally immigrate here from Latin America unless you have family here already. These laws were put into place long after most racist white people's immigrant ancestors came here legally. If the laws were the same then then no Irish, Italian, Poles, etc. would be here legally either.

  2. If is was a good thing, they wouldn't call it illegal.

    Don't break the law and p**s on other nations laws to get a better life, that's what lazy criminals do and the wrong thing to do .

  3. You should be ashamed of yourself for condoning illegal immigration.

  4. It is a load of c**p illegal immigration is just another way our system tries to dehumanize people. Tear down walls and erase borders and become human once again. A lot of the folks in america that are "E-leeguls" are actually probably related to indigenous and native folks who lived with the land well before the european tourists came over and set up their government. If being a human being is guilty then everyone is who is human is guilty. Welcome to the land mass known as the Americas and if anyone doesn't like you living here then they are more than welcome to leave but borders are silly and if people want to come here then they should be welcomed and treated as humans just as if you went somewhere else you would expect the same. NOBODY IS ILLEGAL

  5. I believe the laws on our books should be enforced.

  6. I am against it. I think it is unlawful and dishonest. It is unfair to Immigrants who are trying to come in legally and it is unfair to citizens who pay their taxes.

    I love how diverse America is, we are a big Melting pot of cultures, and I don't want that to change.

    However, I think it is unfair, that an illegal immigrant can go to the ER and get free health care, but a citizen can not.

    I hate that you can get in a wreck with an illegal who can;t even speak english, has no license, or insurance and the police allow them to leave with out arresting them!

    I love immigrants...just do it the right way!

  7. **** The Minutemen and everyone who thinks the rules should be followed, the Eouropeans came illegaly, they didnt call it like that but it was, where else are we supposed to go, MARS, JUPITER, THE MOON, yes i said WE, i am illegal since i was 5.

  8. Well, they are the number one target of today thanks to the one-sided media and the politicians. The politicians used immigration as way to try and sway the vote, but it has backfired, especially on McCain. Now he's doing the back stroke trying to get the Hispanic vote late! The one-sided media is only glorifiying the few bad. Every group has a bad seed, and that's all they talk about. Illegal immigrants are good people with family values and good morals that came here to work, provide for their families and give thier kids a promising future, where in their country it's far from that.

    Illegal immigrants are big contributers to this country. They pay taxes every year, and they are consumers. They buy houses, cars, food, cloths, electronics and the list goes on. When they make these purchases, taxes are paid. The taxes they pay in rent also helps local schools. Take all these people away, and this country would be billions poorer, and there would be a lot more companies moving to Mexico or outsourcing which would be the worst thing that could happen to the US, but it's happening already with our farms. So, if they get rid of them all, get ready to hear about or even get more cases of salmanella or worst.

    These articles are great, and contain NO LIES!

    Illegal immigrants contribute billions to state

    If Nevada’s undocumented workers left tomorrow, the state would lose tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars, according to the first report to quantify the impact.

    RICHMOND (AP) - Illegal immigrants contribute an estimated $400 million to Virginia's economy annually in taxes, according to a study released Thursday by a group hoping to counter some anti-illegal immigrant sentiment in the legislature.

    The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis estimates that illegal immigrants contribute between $379 million and $453 million a year in income, sales, property and other taxes.

    Illegal immigrants are paying taxes to Uncle Sam, experts agree. Just how much they pay is hard to determine because the federal government doesn’t fully tally it.

    But the latest figures available indicate it will amount to billions of dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes this year. One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year.

    U.S. farmers short on migrant workers move to Mexico

  9. A list of what our Government spends on illegals every year.

    1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. <>>

    2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

    3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.    

    4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

    5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

    6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

    7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

    8. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US

    9. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report:

    10. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

  10. do what you can do to make your life better is what i think

  11. As the term implies, it is unlawful to enter a country without proper documentation and permission to stay over an extended period of time. If the laws do not apply to these people then every criminal has the right to NOT be held responsible for their actions.  

  12. Do what the Europeans did hundreds of years age, come legally,

    The Europeans didn't break a single law when they immigrated.

    no laws, no illegal immigration.

    Viva La Minutemen.

  13. I'm against it, but they are doing whatever they can to survive... I know several illegals from Mexico, who face extreme poverty. They come to the U.S. to make money to bring back to their families. The US has ****** over other countries with job situations, of course other countries are going to view America as a paradise. We are given the luxury of freedoms... and others are going to take advantage of it.

    I'm a college student

    But, even i have had illegal immigrants take away my job. I was hired at a resturant to help out with the cooks. The cooks were mostly hispanic. They forced most of the Americans to quit, because they couldn't understand their co-workers. I eventually was let go, because they the replaced me with someone who could speak spanish. Now i  am out of a job because of illegal immigrants. I am not going to report them, but illegal immigration is a problem in this country.

    It is taking away jobs from the working class

  14. Unacceptable.

  15. Illegals are terrible, especially the ones like you that condone the illegal invasion and lawlessness of this nation.  Saying anything that is illegal is good is utterly pathetic.

    Just becasue it takes a long time doesn't' give you the right to break our laws, that's lazy as h**l.

    There is NO excuse for illegal immigration, many get free health care, don't pay taxes and are bad for our nation.

    I do not like illegals, especially the ones that come here and try to ruin the American dream and this nation by condoning more illegal invasion.  Highly un-American and pathetic.  That's the worst type of illegal, and uneducated one.

  16. I am ANTI illegal immigration.

    Millions of people sit in camps waiting for 10+ years (in camps...) waiting for legal opportunities which are limited because X amount of dollars is diverted towards illegal immigrants.

    Some people have to hide. For years...

    If you wanted health care and benefits, you should have done it legally.

    You can't have both.  You broke the rules of the system that others are following AND you are asking the for the benefits that are for people who ARE following the rules.

    This is what is meant by "you can't have your cake and eat it too".

    Good luck.  Your BF and his family did what they had to do to survive.  I respect and understand that.  I'm glad they made it, but they don't get preferential treatment because they choose to do it criminally.

    "i feel no love for a country that can't help those in need."

    I wanted to point out you said this when it is your country that is giving them a home.

  17. I believe everyone should have a right to pursue the american dream. They just need to do it in a legal way. If people are entering illegally then it can possibly cause a security risk. I recently saw a border wars show on National Geographic and it shows you how the officers on the border work. It's sad to see these poor mexican men doing everything to improve life for their families, only to be denied.  

  18. Illegal immigrants are criminals. Let's examine the situation, your boyfriend wants to live in the US and enjoy it's security and prosperity but the very first thing that he does here is break our laws? We have  enough homegrown criminals without importing them from Iran.

  19. if you feel no love for this country and don't care if you're a citizen, then please, feel free to go back to iran with your boyfriend and his family. we will do just fine without you, probably better.

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