
Your views on tattoos?

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In your opinion do you find them a way to express oneself or do you find them trashy and pointless? Thanks!!!




  1. Expression definitely, I have one of my girlfriends name, she loves it.

    It's a way of expressing yourself far beyond words, it can be a symbol or word, but it can mean a lot more than what it looks like.

    I love them but just make sure it's what you want!

    Good luck & god bless.

    - Ben.

  2. a way to express yourself.

  3. I think depending on what the tattoo is and where it is then it doesn't honestly matter my dad has about 6 or 7 tattoo's and i like them all apart from the rose and i want 3 at the minute, one on my shoulder another on my wrist and i think one on my foot but i'm waiting til I'm 18 as I don't know where I'd get them done now :S

  4. They are definitely a way to express themselves.  They are only trashy in the eyes of a verry narrow minded person.

  5. It depends on the tatoo.Most are artistic and some are just disguting

  6. I don't have tattoos, and I would never use my skin that way to try and express something, not when my mouth is far better equipped for the job.

    Whether tattoos are a meaningful form of expression to others is up to the individual to decide, but I've never perceived any expression from them other than "OOOO, Grrrrr I wanna be BAD", which is a rather pathetic sentiment to be expressing anyway.

    And I find tattoos on women unattractive, though not necessarily a deal-breaker. Very small, subtle tattoos, like on the ankle or on the lower back are no biggie, but to be honest I'd prefer it if they weren't there. They're not feminine, not to me anyway. Imagine how much hotter Megan Fox would be without them...

  7. there is absolutly NOTHING wrong with tattoos! i love them. everything about them. especially how they look on me! :) whether you choose one or one hundred, its all a matter of choice and personal expression and noone should be judged because of it.

    thats like saying you are trashy because you decided to go from black to blonde hair, or you got contacts, or a peircing- its just silly!

    the only tattoos i am against are ones that pertain to the worship of satanism or the n**i tattoos. yeah those are not cool.

    what i dont understand is why all these people think tattoos on females are trashy, but i bet they think its ok to wear words across their butt to get attention, or wear shirts with their b***s hangin out, or wear shorts or skirts where you can just about see their butt, or wear that playboy bunny c**p.

    but no, all that cant possibly be trashy.

    i just dont get how art on someones body is "trashy". do you people even know what that word means?? i think you need to open your eyes and realize just because people are different than you does NOT mean they are trashy people.

  8. Well, my two cents worth, I am a tattoo artist and have been tattooing off and on for about thirty years- and the kicker- I don't have a single tattoo.

    I like them and have seen (and I hope done) some truly awesome artwork with skin as the canvas. Some of my favorite tats are things that someone had the idea for and I (or another artist) brings the idea to life for them. Self expression, mementos, memorials- all valid uses for the media in my opinion. Yes there can be some tasteless c**p but look around- tattoos aren't the only place where tasteless and ugly show up.

  9. I think some of them looks really good! But some looks pretty trashy!

    I prefer the black and white tattoos compare to the all colorful ones.

  10. i want one so bad!

    i want plumeria flowers going around my a ankle bracelet.

    i think one is or two is okay, but some people over do it..when they got their whole arm tatted up

  11. well if we were suppose to have pictures on our bodies they would be there.

    but I like them, just not a lot of them.

    my friend is a freakin chalk board. ITS UGLY!  

  12. I personally am all for them if they are tasteful.. I have 4 including a large back piece ( angles)

    My Mother and Step Father have full body suits. They have been in tattoo magazines, news papers, television, competitions in which they take best over all including Nationals .. They are in a book about tattoos.. They have been tattooed by Kat Von D and Judy Parker

  13. a way to express yourself, but if you go overboard it might look a bit trashy...

  14. I think every tattoo' represents a story, or a definition too a certain moment & emotiion.

    :D Theyre great.

  15. I believe that it really depends

    what you get tattooed and why

    you want to get it.

  16. Ok this is my opinion, and i know I will get some thumbs down, but on a girl I think they look very trashy. i used to want one until i went to a wedding and saw these girls with cute little sundresses on and their hair in a cute updo, and this big ugly tattoo in the middle of their backs! I think Kat von whatever from la ink is a gorgeous woman but those tattoos are hideous! However, muscular guys can look hot with them! (drooling)  

  17. Obviously I don't see them as trashy and pointless because I have a few. What I don't like is people who go and get really unprofessional looking tattoos or just pieces of flash they picked off of the wall.  

  18. i only find the hardcore ones trashy and the really huge ones. a small tattoo is ok. they look fine.

  19. well...there are good ones and bad ones...if you are going to get one pay the money and research the artist....if i were to get a tatoo i would go to that guy on La ink he is bad ***.  So, if you get one get a good one and everyone is going to be like cool....but if you don't get a good artist they are going to be like ugh...yeah that looks cool and you will have to live with it your whole life unless you get it removed

  20. A way to express oneself, but their is nothing wrong with never getting one.

  21. Didn't your mother tell you that you won't be allowed to be buried in a Jewish cemetery with a tattoo?  Rubbish.  That is just a myth that mothers tell there kids so they don't desecrate their bodies.

  22. it depends on the tattoo. but most of all  way to express urself  

  23. Tattoos are works of art that can be used as a vehicle to display your unique sense of individuality to the world. For instance, if you are into the "undead scene" others will be able to identify you by the ghostly spirit tattooed on your arm. If you are an art lover, an Andy Warhol or Leonardo Da Vinci inspired tattoo will deliver the message to others. The tattoo can also give others some idea of your occupation.

    You could also find info on various sites. They usually include a beginner's guide to getting a tattoo and cover some of the most common concerns and questions when getting a tattoo.

    This one is good too -

  24. I do think they're pointless, but if they're all over a bad boy it's really hot for some reason. But if it's just like one or two on a normal guy, it's awkward. I'll never get one either, there's no sense in it...;...

  25. MAn i feel bad but i thinkt hat they are trashy and useless stupid i mean your trying to find uniqueness but not like that.

    please help me;...


  26. I think its a good way to express yourself. I really like people and especially girls who have tattoos on s**y places! I only find it trashy and pointless when you have too many tattoos so you look like a colour book or when you got it on inappropriate place!!!!

  27. honestly it depends what you get , some tatoos look good some dont , i think it is 100 % possibale for a tatoo to be expressing yourself. hope  i helped=]

  28. it depends. i mean i have 1 and want another. i always thought girls with tats are not good unless its a sophisticated tat which can be covered up easily and is small. on guys they can be hot. but agai they can be pointless when they have like a huge tat of a tree on their arm ya know. like something without any meaning at all.

  29. OMG i love them i want to be a tattooist when i'm older. i think i love them so much cause its artwork on your body and your body is more different to everyone else's but thats just my opinion.

  30. i love them! yeah i think thats its a way to express yourself.  the ones that i have mean something to me...and is comforting to look at them and remember

  31. I like them for self expression but all of my tattoos can be covered with clothing.  I like being able to choose whether to show them off or not depending on what kind of clothes I wear.  If I have jury duty or a job interview, they'll never know the "real" me and I like that.  I teach preschool and it's funny to see the parents faces when my t-shirt rides up a little and the get a peek of the big one on my back!  
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