
Yu-Gi-Oh: Turn player priority?

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I understand the basics of Turn Player Priority. After the end of each phase is announced, player priority automatically passes from the turn player to the opponent.

My question lies in figuring out when priority is passed during summoning, setting, activating, attacking and during damage steps. These are not considered one of the 6 major phases, so how does one "announce" them and end them? Does simply stating the action count as turning priority over (such as saying "I summon....", "I set...." or "I activate")?




  1. Well I'm not quite sure how to explain it without using examples.  I'll give you a few examples of how priority works.

    Say you have cards like Snipe Hunter, Judgment Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, or Demise, King of Armageddon.  When these monsters are summoned they all have optional effects on whether or not you want to activate them.  If you choose to activate priority, then you must activate the effect.  Once the effect is activated and you pay the cost, then priority shifts to your opponent and they get to choose to activate a Spell or Trap.  Whether they choose to or not, your effect still goes through as you had priority.  I'll give you an example.  You summon Snipe Hunter.  You now have priority and choose to activate the effect.  You discard a card for the cost and choose your target.  Once you do that the priority shifts to your opponent and he/she has a chance to respond.  Your opponent chooses to activate Torrential Tribute.  Now all of the monsters on the field are destroyed.  However, Snipe Hunter's effect still remains.  Depending on what your target was depends on if the effect goes through.  If you chose a monster, then the effect fizzles, but if you chose a Trap other then Torrential, then you still get to roll a die and depending on the die roll the chosen Trap will get destroyed.  Another example would be with Demise.  You summon Demise and choose priority.  You pay the 2000 Lifepoint cost to destroy all cards on the field except Demise.  Now priority shifts to your opponent and they activate Bottomless Trap Hole.  Demise will get removed from the field, but because you had priority, everything will still get destroyed.

    There are some cards where they have mandatory effects and they must activate when summoned, like Caius, the Shadow Monarch.  When summoned you get priority and must choose a card on the field to remove.  After priority, your opponent activates Bottomless.  Caius will get removed and, assuming your target wasn't Bottomless, the chosen card will still get removed.

    Hope this helps.

    PS - Just thought you should know I love your questions.  They keep me on my toes and get my brain going.  Keep'em coming.

  2. From the start of your turn, every action(drawing, setting, summoning, activating Spells and Traps, and ending phases) is immediately followed by passing priority to your opponent. Give your opponent about 10 seconds to respond to your actions, making it clear that you've changed the game state or done something that requires their attention. I always announce the end of the major phases as a courtesy and so there are no arguments about when they can activate something(Threatening Roar...I'm looking at you!). It seems like a pain but this way your opponent can't say you didn't allow them to respond.

  3. well basically when u summon a monster or set one the priority goes to the opponent for such cards like solunm judjment or trap hole or quick play spell cards however if its a summon by effect such as shallow grave or cyber jar its the turn player who goes first.

    attacking is down to the turn player unless stated on an effect.

    damage is calculated as normally but any damage recieved from an effect such as marshmallon the turn player recieves the effect damage before battle damage is applied normally.

    simply stating i summon ..... i set ..... i activate does count so long as u allow time before each action for ur opponent to respond.

    i hope tht helped

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