
Yugioh gold sarcophagus?

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why is gold sarcophagus a really good card, it is just like the common dd capsule, so why is it a sought after card




  1. Well DD capsule has to remain on the field for the 2 turns so you can get back the removed from play card, the down side of this is that if DD capsule is destroyed before the 2 turns is up the removed from play card stays removed from play.

    Gold Sarcophagus doest have to remain on the filed, therefore doesn't have the risk of the removed from play card staying out of play like a DD capsule.

  2. Just like Sean K. said, DD Capsule is a Continuous Spell so it must stay on the field for the 2 turns before you get your selected card.  If it is destroyed during this time, then you don't get your removed card and it stays removed.

    Gold Sarcophagus, however, is a Normal Spell and once you play it all you have to do is wait 2 turns and you have your card.  Unless under some weird circumstances where your opponent finds a way to put it in your graveyard.  lol.

    For another reason that Sean didn't mention is that it is a $3,000 card that you can only win at a Shonen Jump tournament.  So for that reason alone people want it as it is pretty hard to find.

  3. I'll make it really quick...

    DD Capsule Stays on the field within two turns so the removed from play card is at risk if DD Capsule would be destroyed...

    While, Gold Sarcophagus does not...

    so It's better to use Gold Sarcopahagus....

    But Chill Out bro Gold Sarcophagus costs a lot It's up to you if you'll buy one....

    I'm just giving info here.....

  4. They made D. D. Capsule because Gold Sarcophagus is a $3000 Shonen Jump promo(not lying), while you can get Capsule for 2 bucks. Gold Sarcophagus is limited too. Still, Capsule isn't too bad. It justs has too survive 2 turns. Sarcophagus has, what we call, a "lingering" effect.

    Listen to the guys above, I'm not gonna explain what has already been explained.

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