
Yugioh spell speed question for pros...?

by  |  earlier

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hi. Yesterday, when i was playing yugioh with a friend, we had some problem...This is the situation:

1. He flip summons the card: 'Stealth Bird'

2. I use the trap card: 'Torrential Tribute'

The question is: Who goes first? Do I still get the 1000points damage, or is the spell speel of torrential tribute faster?

Another situation:

1. I tribute summon the card: 'Mobius the shadow monarch'

2. He uses the card: 'Trap hole'

The question is: Can I still destroy a card on the field, or is the spell speed of trap hole faster than mine?

I am really confusing now with all those chain links and spell speeds...Please help me!




  1. those cards would have to be summoned successfully to activate their affects,so if the monster is destroyed when it is summoned their effect doesn't activate.

  2. It's not really about Spell Speeds, it's more about the wording on the cards.

    With your first example, unless the trap card you are playing specifically states that it negates the summoning of the monster and destroys it, then no matter what you play Stealth Bird's effect will still activate.  So you activate Torrential Tribute, it'll destroy all monsters on the field, but is not negating any effects.  So even though Stealth Bird is no longer on the field it has a lingering effect.  Therefore, once Torrential's effect resolves, even though Stealth Bird is no longer on the field, his effect is still "lingering" and will activate as the next part of the chain and you will take the LP damage.

    In your 2nd situation, the same rules apply.  Mobius gets summoned, trap cards are chosen as part of his effect, Trap Hole is activated, Mobius gets destroyed, Trap Hole resolves, Mobius' "lingering" effect activates and destroys the 2 chosen traps.  The reason being is that Trap Hole doesn't negate the effect, it only destroys the monster.

    The only cards that'll work in those situations are Counter Traps.  Cards like Pulling the Rug or Forced Back will negate the effects and destroy the monster/return it to your hand.

    Hope this helps to explain it better.

  3. TT is faster the stealth bird

    Mobius the frost monarch is faster then trap hole.

  4. i hate spell speed lol but from my knowlage, TT will destroy stealth bird but you still get its effect, and its the same as mobius, but you have to declare priority for its effect to destory the cards before he can respond with a spell/trap card

    hope this helps

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