
Zahi Hawass finds underground civilization! (?)?

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In 1999, Dr. Hawass and his team found an empty tomb (sarcophagus ) said to belong to "God Osiris" near the Giza Plateau. This is a fact. Once opened there were no remains except a small stone tablet. Many people are saying it is a cover-up and Dr. Hawass found something more...

I believe the cover-up has been solved based on the ancient emerald tablets written by Thoth on line 31 from the bottom...

What Dr. Hawass found was the stone tablet that Thoth left for earthlings to find the hidden civilization of Agartha (Hollow Earth.) Is this pure coincidence that Thoth had written a tablet explaining exactly what Dr. Zahi Hawass and his team found? Also Thoth has written instructions on what the finder of the empty sarcophagus and stone must do to locate the secret.

Does anyone have further information on this?




  1. I don't know, but I can bet there will be a National Geographic special about it soon.

  2. first off, I have never trusted Hawass, he is definatly hidding everthing that does not fit into the established belief about egypt.

    and thank you for this bit of info, I never knew that this had happened.

    also, I'm not sure about the Thoth tablet, it doesn't read right for me, it is possible that the translater styled it up so it would be easier to read, but if those are the word for word translations then I'm not sure I would trust it.

    it should read I would say more like the book- The lost book of Enki by  Zecharia Sitchin. based on the Sumarion tablets.

    a must read if you wish to know whats really going on.

  3. Sometimes and empty tomb is just an empty tomb. From this you get Atlantis and a hollow earth?

    Almost all (even King Tut's) tombs in Egypt were robbed. The priests of the time, knowing robbers would return, would hide the remains and leave, mostly, empty tombs behind. Several caches of royal mummies have been found, far from their empty tombs. Finding an empty tomb is more the norm then the exception.

    The post you cite contains no real documentation. In fact it reads much like the plot of a 1930s "mummy" movie.

    The hollow earth has been around for a couple of hundred years. It's not supportive by earthquake technology, the knowledge we have of gravity or of physics. Even goggle earth doesn't show the supposed openings at the poles.

    Atlantis came from Plato teaching about social order. That's it.

    It's easy to cry "cover up" and indulge in wishful thinking (I personally would love for "Nessie" to be real) However, where might I go to pick up an examine these emerald tablets? What publications have they appeared in and what and peered literature can you cite?

    Sometimes and empty tomb is just an empty tomb.

  4. I think you have been reading to much "alternate archaeology" of the bad paranoid .. there is no theory cos the evil conspiracy hide / stole it sort!

  5. Hmmm!

    Intriguing...So how did you find this out?

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