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Your thoughts on what was said in the movie. Religion, 9/11, & of course the world banks or the central banks.




  1. The following are false or misleading statements in the order in which they appear in the movie. The quotations express the ideas presented, hence they are not exact quotations.


    "Horizon" comes from the phrase "Horus has risen."

    FALSE. Horizon comes from the Latin "horizon." The Latin word for "rise" is "orior." The word "horizon" has nothing to do with the English word "rise."


    “The term "sunset" is related to the name of the Egyptian God "Set."

    FALSE. The English word "set" comes from the Germanic "setzen." Moreover, the battle between Horus and Set represents the power struggle between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.



    Many of the alleged similarities among mythical gods and Jesus Christ are refuted below. However, there are a few authentic similarities among mythical gods and Jesus Christ. But these similarities are either:

    1. Superficial or inconsequential (ex. traits such as miracles and immortality are de facto traits of "gods.")

    2. Though some mythical gods predate Jesus Christ, their traits which are similar to those of Jesus cannot be found in literary records prior to the composition of the Bible. Many details of mythical gods are preserved by oral transmissions, which cannot be given a reliable pre-Christian date of composition.


    The details of Horus (Egypt 3000BC):

    "Born on December 25th."

    FALSE. Ancient Egyptians celebrated the birth of Horus on December 21st, the winter solstice.

    "Born of a virgin."

    FALSE. Isis, the mother of Horus, is a goddes. Thus she is not a virgin in the same sense that a human could be. However, Isis became pregnant with Horus when she hovered as a kite over Osiris' dead body - an act which resembles sexual intercourse. The alleged virginity of Isis is due to an assimilation of the infertile god Mut.

    "Star in the east announced his birth."

    FALSE. There is no such detail.

    "Adorned by 3 Kings."

    FALSE. There is no such detail.

    "Teacher at 12."

    FALSE. Horus never assumed a teacher role.

    "Baptized at 30."

    FALSE. Horus was never baptized. There was never an "Anup the baptizer."

    "Had 12 Disciples."

    FALSE. Horus had many allies and followers, but there is no mention of "12" disciples.

    "Called "Lamb of God"/"the Light"."

    FALSE. The only titles of Horus are "Great God”, “Chief of the Powers”, “Master of Heaven”, and “Avenger of His Father”.


    FALSE. Horus does not have an official death account. In an unofficial account, Horus is cast into pieces into water.

    "Dead for 3 Days."

    FALSE. In the unofficial account in which Horus dies, he dies for an indefinite duration of time.


    The Egyptian god Osiris, not Horus, resurrected.


    The details of Attis (Greece 1200BC):

    "Born of a virgin."

    FALSE. Attis was the son and lover of Cybele.


    FALSE. Attis is simply depicted as an effigy on a stake during some Roman festivals.

    "Dead for 3 days."

    FALSE. The "3 days" are the days from when an effigy of Attis is buried and when the resurrection festivities begin.


    The details of Krishna (India 900BC):

    "Born of a virgin."

    FALSE. Krishna was born to princess Devaki and to her husband Vasudeva.

    "Born on December 25th."

    FALSE. Krishna's traditional birth date is July 19th.


    FALSE. Krishna receives a mortal wound to the heel by a hunter mistaking Krishna for a deer.


    The details of Dionysus (Greece 200AD):

    "Born of a virgin."

    FALSE. A god impregnated Semele, the mother of Dionysus. Dionysus was later reborn on the thighs of Zeus after his mother had died. Dionysus is a demigod, but his birth is not a virgin birth.

    "Born on December 25th."

    FALSE. The birth of Dionysus was celebrated on January 6th.

    "Performed the miracle of turning water to wine."

    MISLEADING. The earliest known source for this tradition comes from Achilles Tatius's novel, "Leucippe and Cleitophon," which was written no earlier than the second century AD. Hence this tradition could not have influenced the Bible.

    “Called "king of kings"“

    FALSE. The only “king of kings,” if there is any in Greek mythology, is Zeus. However, the term “king of kings” is a Hebraic superlative. Greek does not use such a phrase.


    FALSE. The idea of Dionysus' crucifixion comes from an image of an amulet which shows a crucified figure with the name of Bacchus (Dionysus) inscribed on the bottom. The amulet was created no earlier than two centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus.


    The details of Mithra (Persia 1200BC):

    "Born of a virgin."

    FALSE. Mithra was born from a rock.

    "12 Disciples."

    This detail, as with the remainder, are not based on any actual beliefs of ancient adherents of the cult of Mithra (Mithras in Greek). There are no written works of antiquity that outline such details of Mithra. Our knowledge of Mithra comes primarily from iconography from the second and third centuries and oral transmissions. Hence, even if there are details of Mithra today that are similar to those of Jesus, such details are recent developments most likely influenced by Christianity.

    "Dead for 3 days."

    FALSE. Mithra has never died.

    "Mithra resurrected."

    FALSE. Mithra has never died.


    "There are dozens of crucified, virgin-born saviours from around the world."

    FALSE. There simply aren't.


    "Three kings visited Jesus."

    FALSE. The Bible does not say that there were three kings. The number of kings is not specified in the Bible. The concept of the "three kings" is popular folklore (from Christmas carols, etc.). Thus, the point about the three stars ("three kings") of Orion's belt following Sirius ("the star in the east") has no connection to the nativity account in the Bible.


    "Jesus Christ was born on December 25th."

    False. Christ's birth is celebrated on December 25th to coincide with a Pagan holiday which the Western Church attempted to supplant, but Christians know that that is not the birth date of Christ. Christmas is a tradition which has no effect on theology.


    "The birth sequence of Jesus is completely astronomical."

    FALSE. The movie provides selective evidence. The movie shows the astronomy of the three stars following Sirius which point to the sun, supposedly paralleling some events related to the birth of Jesus. However, there is no such parallel. There are no "three" kings in the biblical account. Thus there is no parallel between the Bible and the three stars of Orion's belt. Furthermore, without the three stars as valid referrence points, Sirius cannot be said to be pointing to the sun.


    "The term "sun" is related to the term "son" (Jesus)."

    FALSE. The two terms coincidentally sound the same only in English. The Bible was not written in English.


    "Myrra (mother of Adonis) and Maya (mother of Buddha) were virgin mothers."

    FALSE. In the most common version of the story, Myrra the mother of Adonis committed incest to give birth to Adonis. In an alternate story, Adonis is born when Myrra, being turned into a tree, is struck by an arrow (phallic imagery). Maya the mother of Buddha was married to King Suddhodhana. The dream of her conception is not a dream of virgin birth, but rather of the soul of Buddha entering her womb.


    "Names of virgin mothers begin with the letter "M"."

    FALSE. Myrra and Maya were not virgin mothers.


    "Bethlehem, literally meaning "house of bread," is only a place in the sky in the constellation Virgo."

    FALSE. Bethlehem literally means "house of meat," and could mean "house of bread." However, Bethlehem is a real town in Palestine. The attribution of the birthplace of Jesus to Bethlehem is based on lineage and prophecy rather than astrology. Bethlehem is the hometown of King David according to the Old Testament (1 Samuel 17:12). Also, the messiah is prophesied to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). It is far-fetched to assume that Bethlehem refers to the constellation Virgo, since Virgo, in some depictions, merely show a woman harvesting - a common agrarian occupation for a virgin.


    "The crucifixion and resurrection story of Jesus Christ is based on the constellation of the southern cross."

    FALSE. The constellation of the southern cross was created in the seventeenth century by Catholics. Previously, the stars of the southern cross were part of the constellation of Centaurus.


    "The frequency of the number 12 in the Bible (as with the 12 disciples) is based on the 12 constellations o

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