
Zoning question!.............?

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What does M-2 zoning mean?




  1. Depends on where you live. There is no standardized coding system when it comes to zoning, what city or county is the property located in?

    M might stand for Manufacturing but might also stand for Mixed-Use or Multiple Residential or something else altogether. You can usually find zoning definitions at the planning department's website of the jurisdiction the property is located in.

  2. I googled it- Heavy Manufacturing-

    No person shall use any portion of any property in a M-2 zone, except as permitted by this chapter. The following uses shall be permitted uses in the M-2 zone:

    1. Any use permitted in the M-1 zone, subject to all of the limitations and restrictions imposed by Chapter 17.52, except as expressly provided in this chapter;

    2. Horn products, manufacture;

    3. Lamp black, manufacture;

    4. Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture;

    5. Plumbing supply, outside storage screened;

    6. Roofing material manufacture;

    7. Soda and compound manufacture;

    8. Statuary, manufacturing of clay, papier mache, stone statuary and monuments;

    9. Stone monuments and tombstone works;

    10. Wood products, manufacture (excluding planing mill);

    11. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses, when located on the same site with the main building. (Ord. 571 §11, 2003: Ord. 323 §5, 1978; Ord. 216 §1, 1968; Ord. 177 §2(part), 1966: prior code §9490).

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