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is 30A bra size small for a 12yr. old who is 72 pounds???

is it too small or what??




  1. its normal.  

  2. uhm wow thats like totally normal hun

    no need to be worrin ^^

  3. talk to us in another 6 years

  4. wen i was 12 i a36 it depends how tall u r

  5. Every one is different

  6. No, you still have a lot of growing to do.  I didn't get b***s until I was about 14 and went through a huge growth spurt.

  7. YOUR 12! you wont get b***s till your like 15

  8. don't worry about your bra size

    it will grow

    some girls don't have anything yet around your age

  9. You're 12 dear... It's way too early to start worrying about your bra size.

  10. dont know

  11. Uhh first of all no it's not small. Second of all, you shouldn't weigh 72 pounds. Third of all when I was your age i was the same bra size. Don't worry about it!

  12. Don't fall into that "I gotta have big b***s" syndrome!  I don't know why it has become such a BIG ordeal. I was very large at a young age and always wished I wasn't. When they are big you can't run comfortably, you can't just wear any type of top. And then you'll have dirty minded men taunt you in public. What I wouldn't give to have been a normal size!  YOU are normal! Be thankful for that!!!  The old saying goes, "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. i thinks that's ok

    you are just 12 anyways they will grow as you grow  =)

  14. not at all and i got b***s wen i was 10

  15. Don't ask questions like this and put your bra size online. It's not intelligent. There are sick people out there.

    Just do some research on a health website.


    if you are really concerned, consult your mother or if you are even more concerned, talk with your doctor.

    And at 12, why are you concerned with whether or not your b***s are too small? You are young.  

  16. no if you really want to know its actually not that bad.

    But i do have a cousin who is 12 and wears a B size already.

    Just picture it this way, the earlier you develop

    the more like it is for you to have bigger b*****s

    and back problemz. (big boobz isn't all its cracked up to be)

  17. You're 12 years old. Why are you asking this?

  18. lol no you're just so skinny and so young.. everything will come into place FINE by the time you're 18 and got some meat on you :) don't feel bad.
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